Lots of freebies, every one is more than welcome to be there. This is authorized by the owner, spread the news if ur interested :>
Personally I will go there :D I still want that apple stuffed donut :D and I am sure Mark will be interested :D I hope you attend.
9-8-2006 I attended the Pre-opening for Dunkin Donuts - Kuwait that was held in the Salmiya branch, Salem Al-Mubarak St. "by Al-Fanar complex" I loved the Donuts! My favorite was the "I forgot its name" but it was stuffed with Apple covered with Sugar & Cinnamon, also the shop was pretty cool inside, Dahan did great work! Here are two pictures, I kept the rest for my self so that you "when you attend the Grand Opening" will check out for your selves,
*Pre-Opening* Pictures

*My sister's pictures*
I got me a cup too :D
Thanks for letteng us know =D
Deffinetly going.
I'm going there 8am
are you part owner?
Fractal00 :
LOL! what is that do bloggers like have a certain look or something? hmm I guess we have the blogger logo on our forehead? ;p
Blooooooooo :
How strange? hmm they are round & hollow in the middle? or is it because they are in Kuwait ;p ?
Fayoora :
7yach o I hope u enjoy it
Moey :
LOL a dou-a-holic !
Purg :
nope, but I know them well :>
Marzouq :
I liked it very much in the inside as I said Dahan did great work, not to mention that the DD logo colors are lovely together orange & pink go along very well & brings joy :}
Its cozy & very bright, and yes this is the one next to Al-Fanar complex it will be the 1st one to be opened, try to come give it a go
Marzouq :
Etred bel salama :)
Thanks for letting us know, we need more of that new stuff in Kuwait.
Mornin' Coffee :
You are more than welcome :)
Dunkin Donut is cool ?
wallah my experience with Dunkin Donut enna for late night studying and an economic bagle and cream-cheese breakfast.
eb9ara7a mako 3ala krispy kreme !
bas dunkin donut specifically fe my memory mal derasa ba3ad 9alat le3sha fe masyad el madena :) oo hnaak el orange collata esawee sheghlah :)
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