Tuesday, 28 April 2009
From here and there
My deepest condolences go to the dear blogger and brother EXzombie. There is nothing harder than losing a family member, let alone a mother, but its the hard times that make us stronger.
الدوام: كل يوم اقعد من النوم اخطط لعذر علشان ما اداوم، و بعد تكرار هالحالة لمدة اسبوعين اكتشفت اني احتاج اجازة :) و بالذات عقب ما حلمت بالشغل و اني دشيت بموضوع صعب حلة و كنت بروح اجتماع هوشه و تاثرت لدرجة اني قمت من النوم و اكتشفت ان الساعة ٨ الصبح "يعني متاخره عن الدوام" علشان استوعب ان هاليوم كان يوم السبت
Elections: Getting involved takes too much effort and time, not getting involved makes me feel like I'm passive, and being an optimist and loving this country, I still have hope and I will make time out of my time, just not yet.
ماوصلتني حمى البلاك بيري بس قاعدة تحوش كل اللي حولي بالتدريج، يا اني قاعده اكبر و ما استوعب هالكثر تكنولوجيا بيدي وين ما كنت و احب ان للكمبيوتر مكان و التلفون مكان و المسنجر مكان وما اغراني موضوع ان المسجات اتطرش عبر المسنجر مال البلاك بيري بدون تكلفة، و اعتقد اني احتاج التلفون النقال علشان ادق و اطرش مسجات و بس! ما لي اهتمام اني ادش النت بتلفوني بروحي متعقدة من شاشة اللابتوت ١٤ انش هالدور بعابل بشاشة كبر علبة اعواد الكبريت؟ و ببساطة احس اني ما احتاج اللوية اللي فيه ،، و عليه تقرر استمرار رفض تكنولوجيا العنبة السودا
Social obligations are becoming very annoying, I'm pro quick visits while people in Kuwait expect you to spend more time! Especially weddings that take place in the middle of the week, I can't find my self to enjoy them nor stop yawning when its near 12 :)
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Quiet, Stressed and still alive
Work is extremely tiring those days, I even come back home withe almost no ability to talk to anyone, can not think for too long, read or see anything that requires mental abilities that go beyond saying your name, that is the biggest mental activity I can afford! The work load is crazy, the piling mixed tasks are crazier!
Out of the blue, I check out this picture of the flowers in my vase in an amazing angle & lighting, courtesy of my sister. Made me think how things may seem different from one point of view to the other and how light plays a role in what we see.
Out of the blue, I check out this picture of the flowers in my vase in an amazing angle & lighting, courtesy of my sister. Made me think how things may seem different from one point of view to the other and how light plays a role in what we see.
Friday, 17 April 2009
A piece of paper

Fridays are always warm cozy and relaxing for him, a regular activity in a Friday morning is coffee and a book. In the very busy life of Abdullah, little time was spared for his beloved books, therefore his Friday's were booked for them. After getting ready to go out he randomly picked a lonely black book he stopped reading after 10 pages during a flight.
Two years later, in the Friday that he decided to re-read it, losing memory of why he stopped reading it in the first place, he picked the book and went to that quiet distant tiny coffee shop, enjoying a lovely morning in Kuwait, as long as the weather allows it. As he sat along with his water and coffee, he read the book very quickly, since it was "an easy read" he told himself. He stopped to enjoy whats left of the coffee at a 70 something page, he forgot to bring his book marker, the page number recalling seemed a bit optimistic for his memory and although he hates folding a paper of any book, he decided the unexpected and as he was about to do the forbidden act, he noticed that the book has a piece paper slightly appearing between the back cover page and the last page. He turned the book, took the paper out and his face was bloodless, suddenly he became blue for a few seconds before he regained his sense of people around him, you can not risk showing shock or any obvious feeling without having all the people around you stare at you!
When he laid his eyes on that piece of paper a strong quick flashback came...
Trip to New York
Transit flight to Amsterdam
Last minute booking
Drunk man beside me
Her memory, my pen, my notes
The cold couple reminded me of her
How sad they were and angry at each other
Falling asleep to hide tears
" I miss what I thought I had, but since I didn't have what I thought, did I really miss out on anything? Of all the assurances I have, that I did the right thing, I sore with agony to what was wasted, of time and energy. I'm happy with who I became and of the lessons learned, but I will never be the same. I want me back."
The above was what he wrote on that piece of paper, back in 2006, when after seeing a couple sitting together physically but mentally very distant, beside him. He recalled her, the her that he gave a chunk of his life and his heart in full to, back when she was his wife. Just like the couple who sat beside him, he and her were apart. Of all the closeness they had and the wealthy life they lived, emotionally they were broke. They both stayed in that cold life, for the heck of it! Since they are in it, why not give the institute of marriage a chance? That was the choice he regretted, he should have known that the road has no ending, and there is no yellow brick road to follow home, nor he was a girl in a fictitious movie! He created his own world with nievity, he thought that if he tried everything, she will change.
"We change out of love and among that change we still long for the old us at times and if we were lucky we would enjoy the new us"
Abduallah was telling him self, to reassure that in that past, he was a young man with very pretty hopes and dreams, yet did not care for what he wanted more than what others wanted, nor did the right thing. He wasted his time fearing divorce and not facing the simple fact that his marriage was a loveless marriage.
"Love is not everything" his family kept assuring him and that with time they will be close together and they will grow on each other, with each other. Little did they know who & how their son was.
He folded the paper quickly not noticing the waiter that was blabbering over his head, but he saw his face right when he looked up...
"Excuse me, what are you saying?"
"Sir, I was asking you are you OK? The coffee just spilled on the table as I bumped into it. I'm very sorry sir!"
"I'm fine"
He took his book, his piece of paper and water, got up, looked around quickly to see that every one is busy with their own business, talking, eating, drinking. Little did they know that he was bleeding, it was a pleasant feeling to know that they do not know, yet very bitter on his heart, for he was the wounded and healer at the same time. He left in content and no regret.
Monday, 13 April 2009
From here and there
صاير فيني هوس اني اصلح بدليات خلق الله، مع العلم اني اكفي و اوفي عن ديره بالبدليات! بس احس احب انبه الناس على كثر ما اتمنى ان الناس ينبهوني لما اقط بدلية
Did anyone notice how hair is oddly growing over the girl's heads lately? its not only the alien Hijab that hit our streets now its the over sized hair do thing, the good thing is that Amy is not alone in this world. I still do not get the dress code around here.
صورة تعبانة للي بقى من كوب شاي اخضر و نعناع، احب اكثر النعناع و اكتشفت اني لا شعوريا لحد الحين لازم اكل جم نعناعه و انا اشرب الشاي! يعني لي زرقت ورقة بالغلط ما ازعل بالعكس اكلها :> عادي و الوضع جدا طبيعي، اكتسبت عادة اكل النعناع الاخضر من جدي الله يرحمه، لما كنا نروح كل اربعا كان يحب يسوي القهوة و الشاي بنفسه و كان زارع عنده بالحديقة اللي بالبيت نعناع! كنت احب ريحة الحديقه من صوب النعناع و كنت اروح وياه لما يقطف نعناع من الارض علشان يحطه مع الشاي و كان يعطيني جم ورقة نعناع علشان اكلهم مع اني اول مره كنت مستنكره الموضوع بس عجبني طعمه مع الوقت قمت احب النعناع، كنت احب نعناع جدي و ايد جدي لما يعطيني النعناع كنت ادقق فيها حيل و اذكر اني كنت احب تجاعيدها ،، الله يرحمه
Sunday, 12 April 2009
العرموطة المتتفتحه

العرموط فاكهة و التفاح فاكهة منفصلة عنها اهم يصيرون حق بعض! بس هم مختلفين، كل وحده لها خوات و تنتشر بعدة بلدان، امس جبت عرموط، و عرموط من تشيلي بعد، الوالده كلت من هالعراميط عرموطة علشان اتجربه جان تقولي
"العرموط اللي جبتيه حلو ،، كليت وحدة و اشحلااااتها جنها تفاحة" سيدا ردة الفعل الطبيعية عليج بالعافيه يما
اليوم و انا اقرم بعرموطة من هالعراميط جان افكر و انا اخز المسكينه المقرومه، الحين لما امي قالت عن العرموطة انها حلوه جنها تفاحة، اهي مدحت العرموط ولا التفاح؟ الحين بما ان العرموط فاكهة مختلفة عن التفاح مو من الظلم ان نشبه طعم العرموط بطعم بالتفاح؟ معناته ان طعم العرموطة اللي كلتها امي مو مميز ولا له كيان قائم بحد ذاته! و يكفي ان طعمها كان يشابه طعم التفاحه علشان ننكر تميز طعم عرموطة امي!
يعني انا الحين في حيرة من امري ،، العرموطه انمدحت ولا انذمت؟
و هالتساؤول ينبع من وحدة اتحب التميز علشان جذيه التشابه "و ان كان الشيئ المشبه به جميل" يبقى خصلة مو جاذبه لي و تحفزني على البحث عن التميز،، يعني اللي بعدو! غير العرموط التشيلي شنو اكو؟ لازم اوصل للعرموط اللي نكهتة مميزه و عرموطية "ان صح التعبير" و انا ادري انه ما يصح بس طوفوها لي
خارج الموضوع و نغزه مقصودة بمناسبة الانتخابات المرتقبة: الحين بالنسبة للي تبونه للكويت، تبون الشي ولا الشي اللي يشابه الشي ولا الشي اللي طعمه حلو مثل الشي؟
"العرموط اللي جبتيه حلو ،، كليت وحدة و اشحلااااتها جنها تفاحة" سيدا ردة الفعل الطبيعية عليج بالعافيه يما
اليوم و انا اقرم بعرموطة من هالعراميط جان افكر و انا اخز المسكينه المقرومه، الحين لما امي قالت عن العرموطة انها حلوه جنها تفاحة، اهي مدحت العرموط ولا التفاح؟ الحين بما ان العرموط فاكهة مختلفة عن التفاح مو من الظلم ان نشبه طعم العرموط بطعم بالتفاح؟ معناته ان طعم العرموطة اللي كلتها امي مو مميز ولا له كيان قائم بحد ذاته! و يكفي ان طعمها كان يشابه طعم التفاحه علشان ننكر تميز طعم عرموطة امي!
يعني انا الحين في حيرة من امري ،، العرموطه انمدحت ولا انذمت؟
و هالتساؤول ينبع من وحدة اتحب التميز علشان جذيه التشابه "و ان كان الشيئ المشبه به جميل" يبقى خصلة مو جاذبه لي و تحفزني على البحث عن التميز،، يعني اللي بعدو! غير العرموط التشيلي شنو اكو؟ لازم اوصل للعرموط اللي نكهتة مميزه و عرموطية "ان صح التعبير" و انا ادري انه ما يصح بس طوفوها لي
خارج الموضوع و نغزه مقصودة بمناسبة الانتخابات المرتقبة: الحين بالنسبة للي تبونه للكويت، تبون الشي ولا الشي اللي يشابه الشي ولا الشي اللي طعمه حلو مثل الشي؟
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