Saturday 17 November 2012

الكويت اكثر من وطن - Meet Kuwait in the Avenues

"For the first time in the Middle East The Avenues mall will host in mid November and for a period of 17 days a 300 year narrative of Kuwait's history presented through the latest picture recognition technology."

"في منتصف شهر نوفمبر القادم سوف يستضيف مجمع الافنيوز لمدة ١٧ يوم مشروع وطني رائد والأول من نوعه في الشرق الاوسط هو عبارة عن سرد ٣٠٠ سنة من تاريخ دولة الكويت بإستخدام الهواتف الذكية."

Passed by the Avenues and saw a large installation of Kuwait map on the floor along with a wall filled with pictures going back to history from 1600 to the present day. Illustrating important historical events and facts about Kuwait. Its a unique VERY hip project, because you have to download an application called "Treek" which is Kuwaiti for "Hand lamp" :} you use it to scan this icon on the pictures / map

Here is how it looks like when the application detects the image, you get a play button & you can enjoy the video :}

 The videos are in both Arabic and English, very short and in sometimes funny! You'll be surprised, check out the videos

I loved how people are looking around on the floor, some are using the application others their own memory to locate the areas on the map and many were looking for their houses :p

Its a huge effort that is worth visiting and appreciating :} check out out people, it will last for 17 days

ملخص عن المشروع بالعربي

Project rundown in English

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