My nephews bored us with them, YES they like them " as a lot of kids too" but they scare me, when you look at their faces they seem sick! Their show is ok & has some good information to be fed visually to kids "but not all" however the way the Teletubbies are physically designed is terrible in my opinion!!

Then came the " Boohbah " [ Boohbah the show information]

That I think are more scary than the Teletubbies!!
Now the Boohbah at their world "where I did not know about them" are a OK but to be seen in Centerpoint in KUWAIT with out any introduction or some information about what they could be was scary! They freshet me out when I saw them! For real they are scary bold oddly colored toys!! What were their creators were thinking of at the time?
I mean look at how their eyes are like! & the weird pimples at their heads & forehead? What were the designers thinking? Now the odd thing is the name! BOOHBAH?! What kind of a name is that? So according to Wikipedia it means "Doll in Hebrew", which I do not think is nice in pronouncing? Boohbah! What if a kid says it quickly? It would get someone a heart attack. The dolls are scary & their names too!! It could be an other synonym for BOOH?!
All in all I will fight the Boohbah phenomenon! We should put an end to scary toys. Yes to the Barbie, Hello Kitty Era & every other NICE toy that ever existed.
I like them, they are chubby and fluffy :)
That was funny!
I agree, babies used to enjoy animals, maybe even monsters (from sesame street) but these days they can only relate to aliens!
*imagines baby yelling BOOYAH!* @_@
اوافقك الرأي
وكنت راح اكتب عن نفس الموضوع
احد فيكم لاحظ ان تصميم الشخصيات يعلم الطفل ان مافي فرق بين الناس؟
على سبيل المثال:
الاخضر بشرته داكنه شوي
الاحمر قصير وشكله من الآسيويين
الاصفر يمثل بنت
اما الازرق فهو المشكله .. اعتقد انه يمثل الشواذ جنسيا .. فهو رجل يتمشى بحقيبه نسائية
Purg :}
LOL, how can you @!@ ey5ar3ooooon
3baid :)
EXACTLY you got my point! they are brain washing kids
Lil Alien
صح انا معاك بملاحظاتك و احس ان تأثير التيليتبيز على الاطفال سيئ ،، صحيح ساعات يعرضون مشاهد تلفزيونيه يمثلونها اطفال طبيعيين مفيده بس بحد ذاتهم الشخصيات "التيليتبيز" اي شي!! و يخرعون
My one and half year old sister loves boobah. Probably because they speak like she deos.
Teletubbies is just sad.
I like Barney better :-p
YES & barnie too is a ok :> I like the purple Dino. & he is not scary!
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