باب النجار مخلع

One more thing that I LOVE about wordpress! the tiny smilly you see down there or maybee in the upper side of the template wordpress'ers use :)
A quiet BLOG to chill out, talk about me, my ideas & my beloved Kuwait.
* Deera Chat : The first Kuwaiti Podcast, by Ali & Musaed.
* Style.com Video Podcast : Style.com takes you inside the world of fashion, with up-to-the-minute runway show videos that go beyond the catwalk to cover the hair, makeup, and designer action backstage, as well as the celebrity-packed front-row scene. Subscribe to Style.com's podcast, and get your all-access pass today.
* Vogue Fashion On Demand : Vogue magazine podcast, Fashion On Demand takes you onto the runways and behind the scenes in the world of fashion, beauty and luxury from Vogues point of view.
Chillgirl is all about smiles! :]
Yeah, images and illustrations make posts much more readable for me as well.
What are we without smiling ?
i think any face is gorgeous in its own way, and a smile adds beauty to it
i love smiling :D
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