Sunday 17 June 2012

Moleskine love

Almost done with my red one which i held for a loooong while since 2009! Mainly because of digital note writing means, available in my handheld / computer / tablet you name it.

Going to the Venice one (or as it says Venezia,, trying to be a bit Italian r here) is very exciting, I'm thrilled to use it, has a map (for my trip there one day!), pen holder & its lined!! A huge mercy for who wants to read my handwriting.

Yes in talking about a small note book. Now back to the post.

Sketching was the biggest benefit of having a paper note all the time, now that I'm working on a Fashion design project I have been literally eating the pages off of it. And no digital drawing apps are not my thing, even with the pen thingie.

Using hand & pen still has an amazing charm. I often get drifted while writing to focus on the reactions, hand & body movement, capture of the brain storm moments on paper, I find all of that very fascinating :)

The idea of uniting man with the simple man-made tools to 'express & do' what we want is everywhere and is a great pride bearer to nations, question that attacks me all the time when I drift with this idea:

What did we give to Humanity?
What did we give to earth/ our country?

P.S.: Venice note was a wonderful gift from a lovely person, I shall take the note as an invitation to see Venice, before I'm done with it.


LunarDream said...

yeah I have acquired my Moleskin agenda last April from Berlin and I keep it for traveling, whenever I have time in the airport lounge, I would document something important in my life :)

LunarDream said...

I have acquired mine last April from Berlin Airport and I have fallen in love with it as well. I only use it during my traveling and only when I'm in an airport lounge to document something important in my life!

Q80-ChillGirl said...


Thats a great idea! Keep it as a thoughts bank :} I use it for almost everything, but technology is stealing me from it. Mine you might find stuff about clothes,lists, traveling, expenses, ideas, quotes or drawings :p