Thursday, 27 June 2013
From here and there
ترجمة الافكار
"كتبت قبل سنوات تغريدة نصها "لو جمعنا كل ما يكتبه الكويتيون في تويتر وحللنا هذه البيانات لاستطعنا الإجابة على سؤال محدد: بماذا يفكر الكويتيون في هذه اللحظة؟".. وكمحاولة للإجابة على هذا السؤال ، أتت فكرة هذا النظام. عذبي المطيري "
"فكرة الموقع ببساطة هي جمع كل الروابط الأكثر إنتشارا في تويتر خلال اليوم وعرضها بشكل مختلف سواء كانت أخبار، صور، فيديو او روابط. بصيغة أخرى.. يمكنك ان تعتبره، ملخص، موجز، مختصر، او زبدة تويتر خلال اليوم"
شخصيا ما لجأت لمليت بشكل يومي، لكن امره من فتره لفتره، له اكاونت بتويتر، لكن احساس الموقع مختلف! اعترف اني للحين افضل الكمبيوتر على التلفون "الذكي" او التابلت؟! و الاهم ان المحتوى معروض بالصور :} المميز بكل المواقع و الحسابات اعلاه، انها ترجمة واقعية لافكار او حلول "للملل" ، في كلتى الحالتين لك الخيار، تترجم و تستفيد او تنصرف لفكرة اخرى، الوقت متاح و يمكن ان تترجم ما تريد على ارض الواقع. لازال نموذج عذبي يثير الفخر بنفسي، لم يعتمد هذا الشاب الكويتي الا على عقله، تعلم ذاتيا على كافة المهارات التي يمتلكها لانتاج مواقع و برامج متعدده، قفز بحياته المهنية من مجال لاخر، ليكون كما يريد.
Think tank graduation
Remember Think Tank the iInstitute? They graduated the first batch "pictures in their Flickr stream". I couldn't make it to the graduation nor attend a course yet! But when I first knew about the graduation I felt very happy, recalling the young people behind it and their efforts to do something different, all the best!
شنو برجك؟
هوس استحدث فيني من صديقة، لها تاثير جميل على النفس، فمن بعد ما كانت حواراتي حول موضوع الابراج تنتهي ب "هالاشياء ما تهمني، ما اصدقها" صارت "شنو برجك؟"
مو قصتي صحتها من عدمها، ليش نبي نعرف الابراج؟ كل برج له صفات، و على امل اننا نعرف الشخص اللي امامنا بشكل افضل نسأل عن البرج. الصفات فيها تعميم و شمول لكافة المولودين بفترة محددة بغض النظر عن ظروف التربية و الحياة اللي يمر فيها الشخص بكل عام، يعني غير متفردة لكل حالة على حدى، لكن الهوس بالابراج يعطينا فهم للاخر او ترقب لما هو عليه هذا الاخر! تبقى الابراج و ما نسمعه عن الاخر غير كافٍ لمعرفته، حتى الاحتكاك الشخصي ان كان في اطار محدد "عمل - هواية ،، الخ" قد لا يكفي لمعرفة الشخص بقدر معايشته بشكل يومي! و عليه، عرفنا البرج ولا ما عرفناه لازم نعطي مساحة "لحقيقة" الاخر، لا ما نعتقده، نسمعه عن هذا الاخر.
"I don't have an identity issue"
It was a sentence among a conversation, yet for some reason it attracted me the most. The context was, my query about his nationality after hearing several "well spoken" dialects! My question came spontaneous out of curiosity, his sentence above, which he said after his answer, made me even more curious, why do we have an issue with one's identity? After all we are all human beings in this world, the most important thing is how we live and interact with one another, who we are now not where we came from. The need to belong is the only reason I can think of to interpret our attachment to our identity, yet with that belonging comes with pride, here we have to be careful not to approach prejudice (bless you Jane Austen). Even if we have several proofs of a certain nation's behavior, outliers exist :}
تعلقت عيني بكلمة "مخرج" في المواقف و انا اتبعها علشان اطلع بعد ما صورتها و حطيتها في الاسنتاجرام، و انا اكتب التعليق، طرت لي فكرة حول اللي يشتكون من وضعهم في مكان او محتوى معين، هل فعلا اهم محكورين ولا يملكون الخيار للخروج؟ الاجابة نعم، مو بالضرورة المخرج يكون للافضل، لكن الافضل ايضا خيار متاح لنا، نقدر نتاقلم و نقدر نغير واقعنا الجديد. شخصيا، قاعدة ادرس مخرج معين و بعد سنين من الوقوف ساكنة قررت الخروج، لكن بعد نهاية الدراسة! اذا فيها خيره الله يسهل و اذا لا، بدور مخرج ثاني :}
Monday, 24 June 2013
The naked truth
“The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie.” ― Ann Landers via good reads
It was a whatsapp status for a friend, the quote above, instantly grabbed my attention. In principal I always prefer the truth, yet how strong am I if its NAKED! Also, how much or how often will I be able to say the truth?
I think the major reason to hide the truth or tell a lie is fear, yes devious manipulative people might prefer it to be a life stye, yet it goes back to their inability to face reality :} which is still fear. Even when you prefer the truth, if you are faced with a loved one the whole equation changes, your feelings towards them get in between!
In spite of fear, feelings or any other reason that might withhold the truth, why do we "not" say it? The truth is irreplaceable, unforgettable and is easier to live with, when did we become so complex and looked away from the truth?! Saying the truth should not only be the general rule or common practice, it should be a lifetime commitment. A quote I love says "Be truthful, gentle and fearless - Gandhi" It sums up the whole equation of how can we say the truth? All you have to do is be truthful, gentle and fearless.
Be honest enough to say the truth from your heart, gentle in conveying that truth no matter how hard it is, and being gentle can be gained with practice. Fearless! The hardest of them, for me, what took away fear is the more convenient life I live in without lying! No extra burdens nor glitches to fix, because when you lie there are glitches that will face you later on which will need more lies to tone them, yes I am not perfect nor you, the human who reads this. Unless you are one of the pros who mix lying with facts!! Then you probably need therapy :}
What provoked this post and got me back to my keyboard is someone dear to me, who was kind and understanding enough to accept my honesty, such people are distinct and are worth keeping, more than many others who prefer to hustle or play innocent while their inner hustler is acting behind the scenes.
It was a whatsapp status for a friend, the quote above, instantly grabbed my attention. In principal I always prefer the truth, yet how strong am I if its NAKED! Also, how much or how often will I be able to say the truth?
I think the major reason to hide the truth or tell a lie is fear, yes devious manipulative people might prefer it to be a life stye, yet it goes back to their inability to face reality :} which is still fear. Even when you prefer the truth, if you are faced with a loved one the whole equation changes, your feelings towards them get in between!
In spite of fear, feelings or any other reason that might withhold the truth, why do we "not" say it? The truth is irreplaceable, unforgettable and is easier to live with, when did we become so complex and looked away from the truth?! Saying the truth should not only be the general rule or common practice, it should be a lifetime commitment. A quote I love says "Be truthful, gentle and fearless - Gandhi" It sums up the whole equation of how can we say the truth? All you have to do is be truthful, gentle and fearless.
Be honest enough to say the truth from your heart, gentle in conveying that truth no matter how hard it is, and being gentle can be gained with practice. Fearless! The hardest of them, for me, what took away fear is the more convenient life I live in without lying! No extra burdens nor glitches to fix, because when you lie there are glitches that will face you later on which will need more lies to tone them, yes I am not perfect nor you, the human who reads this. Unless you are one of the pros who mix lying with facts!! Then you probably need therapy :}
What provoked this post and got me back to my keyboard is someone dear to me, who was kind and understanding enough to accept my honesty, such people are distinct and are worth keeping, more than many others who prefer to hustle or play innocent while their inner hustler is acting behind the scenes.
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