Took a few pictures to remember that it rained & we got cold, so when our summer comes I look back say yeeeeeeeeeah we had a WINTER ;p here is one of them

A quiet BLOG to chill out, talk about me, my ideas & my beloved Kuwait.
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* Video Podcast : takes you inside the world of fashion, with up-to-the-minute runway show videos that go beyond the catwalk to cover the hair, makeup, and designer action backstage, as well as the celebrity-packed front-row scene. Subscribe to's podcast, and get your all-access pass today.
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Wear plenty of clothes and don't get sick! ;P
wanasa!! :P
3baid :D
am loading my self with Vit. C & will get me some Jackets
Snoooks :D
it is fun, the best part is when i stood under the rain, too bad i couldnt stand for long coz i had to go to work ;p
where is the red car!
Laialy :D
dont be :} eventually u'll b back home & will enjoy every bit of it :D
Purg :D
weeeeeeell this time it was behind me :D thats why you couldnt see it
Chill-Hey sweetie! Shonich? Shakhbarich? Inshalla everything is going okay. Walla I missed you! Great pic! Wudy yi6ig mi6ir nafs hathaak illyoom ilyoom gabil bachir :) Take care, laters!
Laialy_Q8 - I have the picture you are using on my mobile but only the eyes and the chmaaq show. Malaayt minha bas many 3arfa shloon asheelha :(
hiiiiiiiiii there D'n'G
missed you too deaaaaaaaaaaar, sorry for the late reply been busy ;p .. the weather is great i to like winter :>
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