I simply love them!
A quiet BLOG to chill out, talk about me, my ideas & my beloved Kuwait.
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They love you too :)
Reading an interesting debate, your comment arrived in my inbox, the moment i read it a gigantic smile was on my face :D
thank you 3baid, i needed it as much as the tulips!
annnnnnnd i hope they love me as much as i love them too :D
you posed this picture right after recommending me to have them :)
I'm not into flowers really, I know it's odd being a gurl and not liking flowers :P but I think tulips are beautiful
thank you for posting this picture, the entire post made me smile :*
The dearest with the odd sounds issue ;p that is gone for ever i hope
yes, my comment in ur blog made me remember how much i love tulips :D & i simply posted a nice picture of them because i love them, and they make me smile no matter what
as for being a girl & automatically being in love with flowers this is a harsh thing to do! i never assume any thing about people nor associate any thing with gender :D as a matter of fact i have a work colleague that impressed me the other day about his knowledge & care for flowers! so don't worry about it with me :D u can like flowers or not as long as you is you :D
o 3sa doum ur smiling :}
i love em too, every shade!
الله اينننننن...^___*
So do we!
Do we know if these tulips are coming from Dubai? :)
Yes they are lovely in every shade, although for some reason yellow provokes me! but with tulips i don't mind it :) and am trying to take off the no-yellow rule since its just an innocent color!
عجيب التوليب! و انج تشوفين جمال هالورد شي احلى
Jumping Translocation
Hmmm as i know tulips come from Europe originally, Holland is the best place to get them from, but those are from the magical google image search :D
So in other words I don't get ur question :D not what it means but what it aims for? the answer is no I do not know weather they came from Dubai but I do not think so!
جنون التيوليب
كانو يرهنون بيوتهم من أجلها
والأن ترهن القلوب
يرهنون بيوت! اول مره اسمع فيها لوول شكلهم متحطمين اكثر مني
تفضلي ماضي الورده الجميلة
دائما كل جميلة خطيرة !
عاد تدري كنت قاعده اسوي بحث عن هالشغله! بس مشكور وفرت علي الوقت :> بس انصدمت
طلعت التوليب شي خطير
شكرا مره ثانيه اخوي كويتي :>
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