How long would you wait for love?
Javier Bardem played the role of the lover Florentino Ariza, who in his youth laid eyes on Fermina and fell in love with her instantly, and kept on loving her for 52 years. I really shed tears when the movie came to its end, I enjoyed every bit of it, Javier was amazing! He performed Florentino perfectly. I still have the gap of how Fermina backed up on him, what made her think so little of a great feeling, of the first love!? I thought she would fight for him.
thoughts I hade right after finishing it:
+ Love has no age, its timeless, it is us who bare it in our loins or abandon it, the few faithful to love do exist, in this movie they did.
+ I recalled a phrase I once read in an e-mail where a father advices his son to marry the one he can talk to, because with time as they get older, it will be the only activity they will do and enjoy.
+ You don't have to be perfect to be loved, you just have to be loved by who wants you with all the flaws in you and beleives you are perfect in his/ her eyes.
+ Age is the number reflecting how many years we lived in this world, not by any way reflecting how old we are, nor how old our hearts are.
A quote from Florentino Ariza: Please allow me to wipe the slate clean. Age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of a human being is resistant to the passage of time. Our inner lives are eternal, which is to say that our spirits remain as youthful and vigorous as when we were in full bloom
I simply loved the movie! definetly added to my favorite movies list!!
:)in a relationship, communication is the magic word. As you put, the one you can talk to. Love is good until the other party decides to use and abuse you on the name of that love. I ve seen people suffer and when I tell them why stay? they blame love.
read the book it's way better
yep waay better
exactly, its not love, its us :)
I ordered both, the book & the movie, I have a thing for owning the original DVD when the movie makes it to my "favorite movies" list :>
Love can be defined differently and when people say they are falling in love, they can also fall out of love.. Its something that can always be debated, and the 2nd comment you had is something good a father said to a son!
The trouble is when you are so completely in love with yourself that's when it starts to pinch; finding a lover to love you back as much.
Am I making any sense at all?!
After I read that advice I realized that this is what I want for my future, to have someone accompany me in this life, enjoy the company of and have a lot to talk about. I think its pretty much what is needed
the blog whisperer
Hello :) I recall ur nickname before, not sure when.
as for what you said, I get you from the point of being in love with your self BEFORE hitting narcissism :p after that its a disaster. I think we all should love and respect ourselves in order to be able to find love outside, and YES that one should love us as much and respects us too :> to the point where hurting us is something painful to them as much as it is for us, if not more! Caring is a big part of love :)
love is simply wanting to grow old with someone
u think i should read the book first?
welcome here :D
I don't know, I didn't read the book yet its still in Amazon to be more exact :p so I'm not the best person to compare, however exzombie above in the comments thinks that the book is better. But I would advice you to see the movie if you can get it before the book, its a nice one, it gave me a lot to think about regarding love and age :)
If you are so full of yourself where are you going to find it in you to look beyond your own shoulder in providing care, warmth and comfort - essential packagings of the many a splendored commodity known as " Love"?
On a side note, the real challenge in Love is to love someone for better or FOR WORSE. No crash course or DIY manual from Amazon or Barnes & Nobles exists yet, I suppose, showing us the way with the latter.
Love in the Time of Amoebic Dysentery
I sense the ever changing nickname style :) but its harder to be sure with no link behind the nick.
" BEFORE hitting narcissism " was the threshold for loving ur self, i think, and when you get to the "full of yourself " stage then ur narcissistic in a way or an other. When you love and care about yourself you can and know how to love and care for others, not a MUST but it helps :)
I see self-love from the view of respecting your self and not wanting to suffer, because a lot think that suffering is a must in love, being there for who you love is a thing you do with pleasure but love should bring you happiness even at the worst times, simple because who you love is there with you :)
loved it :)
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