Wednesday, 19 January 2011


Its been a while since I wrote in my blog, the intention was to take a break for a week or so then back to posting, a lot of drafts pending the final editing "as if it would do my endless badleya/typos any good" :p Also got caught up with a lot of things around mostly work and the new room making.

Politically Kuwait was not so chilled, on the contrary from December till now we jump from one thing to another. I wanted to write but the fact that my blog is a place to calm down stopped me and that local politics was a daily subject at home and work, so decided to keep it out. Adding to that the fact that I did not have much time for online publishing.

Twitter is the quick solution to keep me in touch with the net world, the connections in twitter are increasing rapidly, I am really enjoying it :> but it will never take my blog's place :}

So Hello blog & readers :D


Anonymous said...

welcome back

Q80-ChillGirl said...


Thank you :>