Monday 1 September 2008

From here and there

A load that I did not expect came out at work, leave planning gone a little offshore

الأولى عجبتني من العجيري بس هذي مادري شنو احس تجاهها! مو مشكلتي بواقعيتها بالعكس احسها بالصميم لكن هل هي القاعدة ام تعبر عن الحالات الشاذة في تلك القاعدة؟

I'm addicted to Fyonkat blog! And this Etsy site is an other gem they indulged my day with :)

مراسلنا القبساوي عاد من جديد! شكرا بو مريوم ما خيبت ظني و عطيت التشريب مساحة من المقالة مثل ما خذاها من معدتي اليوم

Along with the mess around me I took out "Future Chill" Cassette which I got back when I had a car with no CD player. That was my gate to chillout music and the amusement that it gave me reflected on my blog title and music taste :) and all the thanks goes to my cousin with big brains and a bigger heart.


Desert-Roses said...

I think enha el 8a3eda..I liked it too...

I really dont appreciate guys younger than me except a one..

That dude is karetha bashariya...!!!

almost 19 years old living soul...with 29 years old living mind...

and he is in the el 8a3eda el shatha...

...and about el beauty in a woman...

True...he will keep looking at other girls...unless he was blindly into her ...

In the end..its point of view

Q80-ChillGirl said...


i stopped judging people by their age long ago, and I would fall for someone younger but with big brains and a bigger love lol 3lshan la etzoo'3 3eyna, however its not a preference of mine, yet age is just a number!