As I was finishing some errands, I spotted this cat trying to climb into the car, through the tire @.o"
A quiet BLOG to chill out, talk about me, my ideas & my beloved Kuwait.
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* Style.com Video Podcast : Style.com takes you inside the world of fashion, with up-to-the-minute runway show videos that go beyond the catwalk to cover the hair, makeup, and designer action backstage, as well as the celebrity-packed front-row scene. Subscribe to Style.com's podcast, and get your all-access pass today.
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Allow me to say.. KITTY! :D
كل عام وأنت ومن تحبين بخير
That is one pro cat :)
LOL, kanat 7adha hablaaa
ايامك سعيدة و عساك و كل الاهل و من تحب بخير يا رب، اعتذر عن التاخير
LOVE ur blog's idea! best of luck guys :D ,, and yes it was a pro cat it knew how to get into the car from that tiny place! i was amazed lol
Lol! you should see the ones I have around my work!
I simple adore them and their 3aba6
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