Friday 11 December 2009

From here and there

Been a while! I miss blogging :)

تويتر حل سريع للتدوين البسيط اذا طرت ببالك فكره او اكتشفت موقع، بس ما يغني عن المدونة و الكتابة بتوسع، و حسسني بالملل بعض المرات بس استفيد منه في اني ادون افكار او مواقع و هم اللي اتابعهم يحطون معلومات مفيدة، بس متابعة البلوقات و تويتر و فيس بوك شي متعب لول و ما اعتقد اني احتاج هالكثر متابعة و تواصل ، لكن اتاحة هالوسائل شي جيد

I adore Kuwait at this time of the year, going out is a joy and staying in is also nice :> Planning to have an eventful winter.

إتسي، موقع ادمنت عليه و اللي عرفني عليه اهو لنك مره حطوها ب فيونكات و صاحبة الموقع المربوط ساعات اتحط اشيائها في موقع إتسي! اهتمام القائمين على الموقع في الحرف اليدوية و تنميتها و بيعها شي حلو، اعتقد لو يصيو موقع كويتي يجمع المواهب الشابة المنتشره بالمعارض حولنا، بيكون ناجح، لان الانترنت وسيلة تواصل متاحة للكل

Smitten kitchen is a KILLER cooking site! The cook is simply amazing and creative I love her work :>


coconut said...

yes i really do agree.. the growing of our social network is a very tiring process, keeping up with everything is very time consuming, you find yourself being taken away from the real world and living ur whole life on the internet without noticing. I still love it though :P

Q80-ChillGirl said...


YES, i love it too but hate the lack of personal real life feel of ppl

Men Who Do Cleavages said...

Sometimes I think blogging is more damaging to my continuing professional development and career progression path. As Osho would have plainly said, it is a fantastic tool to also waste your time but it is still alright while you are at it - to totally and completely immerse yourself in it without any emotional strings attached, that would make the pleasure of wasting time that much less fructifying.
And you know what, for once, the Brahman in me couldn't agree with him more.

Q80-ChillGirl said...

The real ever changing nick :>

except now you have a nationality :D don't know why I put Turkish as a possibility next to sham district countries & India!

I think he is right too, but how to un-emotionalize something you like/ love? this is the real challenge. I currently live the vicious storm of reason versus passion, I hope I make it safe.