If by tomorrow night no one guessed it then I will post hints :>

P.S: name the high way + the area that this green piece is from :}
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tereej elma6ar, not sure where exactly
close but not the answer ;p .. i guess its easier than i thought huh !!
Golden VERY verrrrrrry close :D
Bloooo :} hello bro
again elm'3rb is close but not it :D its not a ring road its a high way :D
between 5th and 6th ring
BLOBO0OZ got it :D
it is King fahad motorway
& the green area is for Bayan Palace ,, the picture was taken between Bayan & South surra area
:D youuuuuuuuuuuuu got it :D
Golden Girlieeeeeeeee :D
bloboz got it this time :D
about the spa @!@ will check out soon. thanx for the link hun :*
Well ur close too but not precise :D blo got it correct , & king fahad road goes across 5th & 6th ring road in that area i took the picture in
congrats dear :D glad ur having fun
not fair! I commented first, even though I did not answer a complete answer!
Keep hope alive! keep hope alive! keep hope alive!!
BloBoz, la la ya rayal, shd3wa :) testahal. Take it and fooq-ha qobqab holandi, shatbeee ba3ad :)
No blo I refuse u wone it with ur eyes & brains :p its u who won
purg golden was close too :D but she didnt quite get it ;p try to win next time
LOL laaa mo kel youm a game ;p wait till i take an other pic to upload it :D.. oO ey9er o n9 o thalath arba3 that u love today :}
Golden :}
thanx for the flowers dear u really made me happy :D:D:D:D as usual with ur tulips u draw a smile on my face
truelly u have a golden heart :*, thank you
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