Yesterday was the only time I recall going into a movie while being in its first weeks of display on the cinema, I usually go in the last week or the one before it. Also we got there on time! which was a good change for a company of pure females :}
Any how the crowd in the movies was a lot :S I guess its because am not used to go to a movie at its first weeks so am not used to a crowd more than 20-30 ppl .. I only before this time attended a big crowd for The Lord Of The Rings III: The return of the king.

is played by Will Smith is a relations consultants :} so any one seeking for help in how to say " I like you, I want to love you" goes to Mr. Hitch, the rest of the story is for you to look up & see as I hope :}
Kevin James was in the movie too which is a thing that made me LOVE it since I love him in King of Queens & love his "karshaa" too :} he is so adourable. So seeing him in love & in trouble to expres his love was so much fun! Especially his dancing skills truelly rock :}

I saw it too.. It was amazing :P
JackieOoo :}
yes it is :D truelly amazing
My Dream :D
Did you go on thursday the 4:30 show in Al-Fanar #3 ?
wdch we even saw each other there but didnt know it ? ;p
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