Monday 16 November 2009

Concrete and Clay

For a while now I have been seeing this toothpaste commercial "don't recall it exactly" where the song playing in the background caught my attention, and with the blessing of GOOGLE :p I was able to find it... its called Concrete & Clay by Unit 4+2 a famous British pop band back in the day. Apparently it was a big hit in the 60's and personally can't object on that :D I think its a very nice song! Enjoy it :>

I find it amazing how the video director took the Concrete & Clay "literally" into consideration when shooting the clip :> Not to mention the amazing line up and cheesy shy dancing :p


جبريت said...

انا مو من النوع الي اسمع عنقريزي لانه احس يخرب المود

بس شكرا على الاهداء بس سؤال شلون صدتي الاغنيه الي بالباك راوند؟؟؟ ما شاء الله عليج عيني عليج باااااارده ما تلسعش لوول

على العموم سمعي هالاغنيه يمكن تسمعينها بإعلان اسنان ثاني لوول

FMH said...

new online boutique!
check out

Q80-ChillGirl said...


بيكون اعلان زقرت اللي بيخلون العماري فيه خلفية :> جد بيكون شي ابداع

عادية اهو بالدعاية يرتفع صوت الاغنية و لقطت منها "فيت و كرمبل" و الله يعافي جووجل مايقصر، لو بتقوله انا وين قاعد بيقولك مكانك


Although am against publishing AD comments, since they are way out of the subject I'm talking about, but for some reason I published urs :D madri why! all the best!