Saturday, 24 December 2011

From here and there


Around 2004-2006 the Kuwaiti blog-o-osphere was smaller, almost everyone knew everyone in Blogger and Wordpress, the ones who took Maktoob were a little distanced, but the link was Kuwait Blogs, and Safat the aggregator. It was almost personal, a close group of people you can reach a few clicks away, that allowed a lot of correlation! In things I see or hear around, that a blogger wrote about or talked about in a meeting I immediately relate it to him/her, now its spreading into Twitter. What brought this up is the cup of French coffee I'm having right now :} I recall a post for Marzouq where he asked for French coffee in France and Bo Maryoum who I think would be furious about the ones who call "Turkish coffee & liquid concentrated milk" as French coffee!

الريوق برا 

بهالجو عجيب و ممتع جدا ،، الصورة اعلاه من الذ بيض ذقته في برايم اند توست ينقال له
Poached eggs with multigrain bagel

بيوم ما كليت هالطبق نشرت الصورة في تويتر، و للصدفة مجموعة من ربع تويتر كانوا متريقين بيض ،، اللي خلاني افكر فيها، و حللتها بان التقارب اللي سمحت فيه سبل التواصل الالكترونية زادت شريحة الناس اللي يتابعون و "يدرون" عن بعض و اخبار بعض، و عليه فا صدفة او بالاصح احتمال تشابه الانشطة اليومية اكبر، لان القاعدة المتواصلة اكبر، كان لذيذ انصح فيه بس بدون البيكن! الا اذا كنتوا من محبين البيكن

I love Kitty

Lately I have been using the note above for grocery and daily lists. I used to use stationary and keep kitty stuff around me at home a bit at the office, having them out was perceived as childish and a bit fake by others, then on a second thought :} I realized why should I take that view for granted? The original reason I kept those is that I love Kitty and her stuff, therefore, kitty note is out of the closet! and is for daily use.

Which brings me to the idea of Judgement, I have always faced a hard time with prejudgements! I kept the BBM status "Never judge a book by its cover" for a very lone period of time, and still think its valid till date and forever. Judging people, things, accidents by what our eyes see and our background interprets is unfair. Many things and people become very different when we look closer. So next time you think of judging anyone or something, think twice, give the benefit of a doubt, ask about it, then ask your self, is it worth the judgement? Does living require a lot of judgements? How about living simple :} Its not that bad :p

 قوس قزح 

أخيرا،،،، قوس قزح مستحي ، طلع بوسط السما، يوم الجمعة :} ونسني


reading between the lines said...

Sorry for your loss!

Am glad to have stumbled upon someone who refuses to live and/or be defined within the lines. Attagirl!

Q80-ChillGirl said...


You know, your changing nickname is the BEST thing ever! :] I enjoy your creativity, I just hope it gets registered at the comment page & not automatically change :p

Thank you :}


Stepping out of the boundaries is not easy, Kitty was the slight example I wanted to publish. In that process, you may lose many but ultimately win yourself, the hard thing is, when to lose and when to give up!