Friday, 27 December 2013
شنو اشوف و شنو تشوف
احب تمشي الصبح و ساعات انشر صور من الاشياء اللي تلفت انتباهي ، اليوم اول مرة اخطط للصور اللي بنزلها و الكابشن اللي بكتبه تحتها، من بديت التدوين و النشر الالكتروني بشكل عام افضل ان المواضيع تكون خفيفة و اشارك باهتماماتي اللي تخلي اللي يقراها يبتسم، و مع الانستاجرام صار اسهل اني انشر نظرتي للاشياء
ميزت صور اليوم بهاشتاق #شنو_اشوف_تشوف ، لاني عقب ما خلصت تصوير خذيت صورة بعيدة لكذا شغلة كنت مصورة تفاصيلها شدتني ، مثل الشجرة و الطوفة
لما شفت الطوفة من بعيد (صور ١/١٢) شفتها بعيون اللي يسأل ، ليش تصورين خرابة؟ بجانب من الطوفة شفت تفاصيل الزمن، التصدع و تقشر التغطية، الطابوق و فكّرت باللي بناها و باللي قرر يبنيها حول مقبرة الصالحية ،، اللغة وسيط للتواصل يتميز فيه الانسان و لهالسبب تعبيره عن اللي يمر فيه مسموع او مكتوب، و الجمادات او الكائنات الثانية؟ هم مر عليها الزمن، و مر عليها قصص و تواجدت بحياتنا لهدف ، و بكل يوم نمر يمهم و نهملهم ، الشبة (عمود الانارة) جماد بدونه شوارعنا بتكون مظلمة، و ماننتبه لعدم وجوده الا بما نفقده .. ليش ما نلاحظه؟
و بالتبعية بتلقى في الحياة اشخاص ما نلاحظهم على الرغم من اهميتهم بالنسبة لنا و هم تقدير الاشياء و الاشخاص حولنا مو بس متعلق باهميتهم لنا شخصيا فقط هم بجمالهم :} مثل الخط العربي اللي كان مكتوب على هالطوفة
او الحرف الجميلة المرسومة على الصوب الثاني من الطوفه
هالطوفة تقع على شارع السور، من اهم شوارع العاصمة و كثير من سكان الكويت اذا مو كلهم مروا في هالشارع ، كم عدد اللي لاحظوهم؟
انتقاء الجمال شي حلو، حتى لو كانت طوفة مهملة ليش نصد عن جمالها؟ ليش نشوف هالشجرة و نمشي عادي بدون لا نعتبر من الحياة الجديدة اللي بلشت من غصن مكسور
حاول تشوف الدنيا بمنظور مختلف، بعين الاخر قبل لا تحكم على الطوفة انها خرابة دقق بتفاصيلها، باللي حولها ، سبب وجودها و وين مواطن الجمال فيها ..
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Saduing by Bader Almansour - Art exhibition
Passed by Beit Alsadu to see the exhibition "Saduing" by the Kuwaiti artist Bader Almansour (@baderart in IG), and I was impressed!
Although I am following his work in Instagram yet in reality it was a whole new ball game. He did not only recycle, made wonderful pieces from scrap, he reshaped our identity. First stop is with the two fonts he made, the first is through using the triangles in the sadu patterns, to create letters close in "Shape" to the Arabic alphabet, The second font relies on angles, where an angle represents a number corresponding to the letter order in the Arabic alphabet
Wood pieces from a famous board game (Keiram - كيرم) were used in shaping sadu patterns!
He also used keyboard keys to reshape sadu, creating paint-less art
Those and one more were closer to my heart since I love abstract and geometry, the good thing about his art is that you will never find any conventional medium :} and if you did, it would be an outlier, the norm with Bader is the abnormal
Sadu bags made of iron! I apologize for the poor lighting that does not show the lovely details of his work, but if you check his exhibition in person or his instagram you will see more
Sadu rug made of tires, another favorite of mine
I took a lot pictures of pieces that I did not show and only plan to show after the exhibition ends, I highly encourage you to go in person, see the use of different materials and mediums used to represent Sadu, I will definitely go back to see the works and attend his lecture that was planned to be held today, but got postponed.
Bader Almansour, is not only an artist he's a phenomenon, utilizing art to represent his ideas by bypassing "the norm" using recycled material, and he went far to produce fonts! The cultural content of this exhibition was very rich, varying from visual art to text and language, the idea of transforming a traditional Bedouin craft to art is impressive at its own, and Bader went further.
What made me fall in love with this exhibition other than my fascination of Sadu, the idea of exporting our culture, the works displayed did not only recycle used and neglected man-made things, they also brought life back to a much neglected part of our culture, which we limited to clothing or apparel, which reminds me, he even made clothing pieces and furniture! HENCE the post and my fascination. Saduing took it further in all scales, I highly recommend everyone to visit it, stop by even for a few minutes :} Sadu house is located on the Gulf Road, next to the national museum and Albader house.
Although I am following his work in Instagram yet in reality it was a whole new ball game. He did not only recycle, made wonderful pieces from scrap, he reshaped our identity. First stop is with the two fonts he made, the first is through using the triangles in the sadu patterns, to create letters close in "Shape" to the Arabic alphabet, The second font relies on angles, where an angle represents a number corresponding to the letter order in the Arabic alphabet
Wood pieces from a famous board game (Keiram - كيرم) were used in shaping sadu patterns!
He also used keyboard keys to reshape sadu, creating paint-less art
Those and one more were closer to my heart since I love abstract and geometry, the good thing about his art is that you will never find any conventional medium :} and if you did, it would be an outlier, the norm with Bader is the abnormal
Sadu bags made of iron! I apologize for the poor lighting that does not show the lovely details of his work, but if you check his exhibition in person or his instagram you will see more
Sadu rug made of tires, another favorite of mine
I took a lot pictures of pieces that I did not show and only plan to show after the exhibition ends, I highly encourage you to go in person, see the use of different materials and mediums used to represent Sadu, I will definitely go back to see the works and attend his lecture that was planned to be held today, but got postponed.
Bader Almansour, is not only an artist he's a phenomenon, utilizing art to represent his ideas by bypassing "the norm" using recycled material, and he went far to produce fonts! The cultural content of this exhibition was very rich, varying from visual art to text and language, the idea of transforming a traditional Bedouin craft to art is impressive at its own, and Bader went further.
What made me fall in love with this exhibition other than my fascination of Sadu, the idea of exporting our culture, the works displayed did not only recycle used and neglected man-made things, they also brought life back to a much neglected part of our culture, which we limited to clothing or apparel, which reminds me, he even made clothing pieces and furniture! HENCE the post and my fascination. Saduing took it further in all scales, I highly recommend everyone to visit it, stop by even for a few minutes :} Sadu house is located on the Gulf Road, next to the national museum and Albader house.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
A shadow
In many times I daydream while watching shadows, of people, trees or animals. The beauty of shadows lies in their ability to stretch & fade, depending on the light around it.. Very much like our personalities & our reaction to life circumstances .. Shades react, change constantly yet they remain in a circle of appearing & fading :} like the circle of life
The above was a comment in #ig and I though it fits to be a post.
Monday, 30 September 2013
From here and there
You can't even see the sun-set in Kuwait!
The moment I heard this phrase I took a pause form the conversation and thought to my self, this is not debatable, this is provable, what can be better and more convenient that Instagram? (link for the 1st picture, from there you can take off) So today I passed by Free Trade Zone and took 5 pictured of the sun, as it set :} Of course that person might not see this post nor see the IG pictures, yet I thank him very much for inspiring such an idea, sometimes, the claims against something or flaws can bring out the good in them. I have never doubted the fact that you can see the sunset in Kuwait yet wanted to prove that its reachable by anyone, with a mobile equipped with a camera and internet connection.
The moment I heard this phrase I took a pause form the conversation and thought to my self, this is not debatable, this is provable, what can be better and more convenient that Instagram? (link for the 1st picture, from there you can take off) So today I passed by Free Trade Zone and took 5 pictured of the sun, as it set :} Of course that person might not see this post nor see the IG pictures, yet I thank him very much for inspiring such an idea, sometimes, the claims against something or flaws can bring out the good in them. I have never doubted the fact that you can see the sunset in Kuwait yet wanted to prove that its reachable by anyone, with a mobile equipped with a camera and internet connection.
في إدارة الموارد البشرية
و هني اقصد حرفياً "الموارد البشرية" ، البشر هم المحرك الفعلي لاي مجال، الآلة موجودة بتزامن مع المحرّك و المتحكم بسيرها، الانسان! الخلط بين الاثنين اهو سبب هالفقرة، مدير يتعامل مع الناس كآلة منتجة، مو بشر منتجين، الناتج؟ صفر اخلاص بالعمل و انتاج فقير، ان وجد .. يجب تقدير العامل البشري ، و لاااازم تكون "انسان" في التعامل مع الموارد البشرية و يا بخت من لقى موظفين يأدون العمل لانهم يحترمون و يحبون مسئولهم، و بنفس الوقت يملكون قيم الاخلاص بالعمل و تقديرهم لذاتهم.
The lake house - 2006
"Simon Wyler:
Now, come on. You know as well as I do that the light in Barcelona is
quite different from the light in Tokyo. And, the light in Tokyo is
different from that in Prague. A truly great structure, one that is
meant to stand the tests of time never disregards its environment. A
serious architect takes that into account. He knows that if he wants
presence, he must consult with nature. He must be captivated by the
light. Always the light. Always." - Full quote link
And that red highlighted text, to me, sums up our main requirement to stay alive and be strong through life :}
نكذب لو قلنا ما بنحبش
من زمان ما تابعت مسلسل عربي! من فترة شفت حلقة لهالمسلسل على الام بي سي و شوقني، الويك اند اللي فات حاولت اسرق وقت من الوقت علشان اكمل ال٣٠ حلقة، و خلصته امس، اكتشفت اني ولهت على مسلسل عربي خفيف و مو كوميدي ١٠٠٪، المحور الاساسي للمسلسل اهو الحب "واضح من الاسم" و العلاقات الاجتماعية المتشعبة لاسرة من ام و اب و ٣ ابناء و صديقة الام و بنتها و الموظفين في مطعم الام، بعد انفصال الام عن الابو ب٤ سنين تبدى احداث المسلسل، ما بين شخصية الام اللي تشوف الكل الا روحها و الابناء و الزوج الانانيين و المستمتعين بعطائها، موقف مؤثر بمساعدة الصديقة "الانانية نوعا ما" يقلب حال الام لانسانة تلتلفت لنفسها و تتغير بهالالتفاته نظرتها للحياة و بالمثل الصديقة! تتبنى الإيثار بحياتها و تبدى تعبر عن حبها بالافعال مو بس بالكلام... محد يعيش مهمش الا بقرار داخلي من نفسه، محد يبذل بدون مردود الا بقرار من داخله و محد يوازن بين العطاء و الاخذ الا لما يجرب الاثنين و يعرف ان واحد يكمل الثاني ولو فضل احدهم .. شكثر تعطي و شكثر تاخذ؟
And so in one of the comments that I decided not to publish till I confirm the stated information, a note from a person who is concerned about the cleanness of Kuwait! Which made me take a pause, how often do you care or act?
Friday, 2 August 2013
33 with a 9 years old blog
And yes like every year, 3 days separate my blog's Birthday (31st of July) and my Birthday (2nd of August), I'm 33 years old with a 9 year old blog :}
When the millennium (Y2K) was about to come, a lot of fuss went around and many thought that the world would end, forgetting that those 2000 years are actually from where we started counting after an event! A thing that is not related to how old is our world. After that I realized how relative time is, how we with certain events make it matter or not, and that a year added to our age is simply a representation of a count from the event of our birth. Age was never related to how old we really are, its more related to how long have we been in this world, we are as old as we want to be, yes biology and physics rule, but our pretty minds do have a say in it.
So at 33 years old, I stand still and look back to what have I did, been through and experienced in those years, its been a joyful ride. Happiness like sadness is an essential part of life, you choose which you want to stick to :}
I am happy that I am alive, passed through every bit of my life, those sad bad days have molded me to the person I am now just as the many happy good days did, I am grateful for all the eyes who reached this line, the people I met in the cyber world, the real world, mostly my friends and family.
The best two concepts I gained and very proud of, are:
1- Life is simple, its a journey, we are visitors, one day we will go, think of what you will take to your grave and what you will leave behind for people you love or the world, be simple, simplicity is the BEST thing you can live by and it doesn't cost much :p
2- Change is the only constant, I made a huge change in my life, which I will soon dedicate a series of posts to share, change even if it looks or feels hard, is in the end doable :}
Of course the Iraqi invasion on my beloved Kuwait back in 1990 comes to mind in this day, I keep praying for those who dedicated their souls to Kuwait, and for us, the ones who stayed alive, to learn and not just remember the 2nd of August as the day Iraq invaded Kuwait....
When the millennium (Y2K) was about to come, a lot of fuss went around and many thought that the world would end, forgetting that those 2000 years are actually from where we started counting after an event! A thing that is not related to how old is our world. After that I realized how relative time is, how we with certain events make it matter or not, and that a year added to our age is simply a representation of a count from the event of our birth. Age was never related to how old we really are, its more related to how long have we been in this world, we are as old as we want to be, yes biology and physics rule, but our pretty minds do have a say in it.
So at 33 years old, I stand still and look back to what have I did, been through and experienced in those years, its been a joyful ride. Happiness like sadness is an essential part of life, you choose which you want to stick to :}
I am happy that I am alive, passed through every bit of my life, those sad bad days have molded me to the person I am now just as the many happy good days did, I am grateful for all the eyes who reached this line, the people I met in the cyber world, the real world, mostly my friends and family.
The best two concepts I gained and very proud of, are:
1- Life is simple, its a journey, we are visitors, one day we will go, think of what you will take to your grave and what you will leave behind for people you love or the world, be simple, simplicity is the BEST thing you can live by and it doesn't cost much :p
2- Change is the only constant, I made a huge change in my life, which I will soon dedicate a series of posts to share, change even if it looks or feels hard, is in the end doable :}
Of course the Iraqi invasion on my beloved Kuwait back in 1990 comes to mind in this day, I keep praying for those who dedicated their souls to Kuwait, and for us, the ones who stayed alive, to learn and not just remember the 2nd of August as the day Iraq invaded Kuwait....
الله يرحم شهدائنا
Monday, 15 July 2013
مما قرأت - رحلتي مع غاندي
حاولت اقرا السير الذاتية و تجارب الغير لكن هالنوع من الكتب يمللني و نادر ما يشدني اسلوب السرد فيها، و يتم الكتاب ناطر الفرج و اني ابلطه مرة ثانية، الاستثناء في هالحالة كان اسم الكاتب "أحمد الشقيري" جدا يعجبني هالشاب السعودي اللي يبحث و يتفكّر خارج قالب مجتمعنا! برنامج خواطر اتاح لي الفرصة علشان اعيد ايماني بعقلية الخليجي اللي يشوف الغرب و يستفيد، يسأل و يفيد. بما اني ما احب اخذ الكتاب فقط لاسم الكاتب بطلته اتصفح فيه، و بمجرد ما قريت انه يتكلم عن "الضعف البشري" و بكل صراحة، قررت انه خوش كتاب و امتحان لجانب اخر من تساؤلات احمد الشقيري او خواطره اللي يشاركنا فيها.
الكتاب يدمج ما بين تجربة الكاتب في منتجع للتأمل في الهند و تعليقاته حول بعض كلام غاندي، الجزء الأهم بالنسبة لي كان تجربته في المنتجع و في الهند و ان ما اسهب فيها، لكنها دولة تثير اهتمامي لانها متعددة الاديان و المعتقدات.
الصورة التالية من ص١٤
اجمل ما ذكر في كتابه هو احترام الاخر "ايا كان، انسان حيوان او بنات او جماد" لانه كائن على هذه الارض، فلا لعقلي ولا قدرتي الجسدية و لا ديني اي ميزة لانكر حقه في الاعتقاد، الحياة او التفكير، و ان الوقت محايد و نحن من نحيزه لنشاط او اخر :} فا لا نتحجج بالوقت اذا اردنا الانجاز.
ينتقل للحديث عن الحب، الرحمة، الدورة التي تركها لانه لم يفهم شيء، مفهوم الحرية و العبودية، كلام/قصص غاندي و اللي استوقفتني قصته مع ظلم الغير، شلون غاندي قرر انه يشفق عليهم من جهلهم و ضيق تفكيرهم، و اللي خلاه يشفق عليهم معرفته "بإيمانهم" انهم على حق، و قدر بهالقناعة انه يتسامح معاهم و ما يحقد عليهم! عذرهم مع انهم كانوا على الجانب الاخر و يبون يضرون غيرهم! هم عجبني سعي غاندي لتجاوز عيوبه البشرية، بالصيام، تهذيب النفس و مراعاة الغير، حببني بغاندي اكثر و رجعت للاساسيات، احنا بشر، محد معصوم و الكل له الخيار انه يكون افضل و ما يعتدى على الاخر.
كتاب خفيف ما ياخذ ساعتين من الوقت و هو باختصار مقتطفات من افكار عابرة، الكلام مختلط بين العامي و الفصحى "مثل بوستاتي!" علشان جذي ما استنكرته، بس طبعا اهو افضل بواااااجد، و ماكو بدليات :} الجميل فيه يعطيك فرصة للوقوف و التفكر، و ان لم يكن بما رواه الشقيري فعلى الاقل يعطينا مثال لكيفية النظر لما وراء المواقف و الافراد اللي نصادفهم، جمالية الاعتراف بالخطأ و معالجته، و الاهم خوض المقولات اللي نرددها! فكم مقولة اعجبنا فيها ووضعنا انفسنا تحت الاختبار للتحقق من هذا الاعجاب :} و على اقل تقدير الفهم الصحيح لتلك المقولات او الاحاديث او الآيات.و على هالطاري كتب على الغلاف مقولة غاندي
"كن أنت التغيير الذي تريد أن تراه في العالم"
السؤال، هل غيرت شي في نفسك لانك تتمنى انه يتيغير بالعالم حولك؟
"كن أنت التغيير الذي تريد أن تراه في العالم"
السؤال، هل غيرت شي في نفسك لانك تتمنى انه يتيغير بالعالم حولك؟
Thursday, 27 June 2013
From here and there
ترجمة الافكار
"كتبت قبل سنوات تغريدة نصها "لو جمعنا كل ما يكتبه الكويتيون في تويتر وحللنا هذه البيانات لاستطعنا الإجابة على سؤال محدد: بماذا يفكر الكويتيون في هذه اللحظة؟".. وكمحاولة للإجابة على هذا السؤال ، أتت فكرة هذا النظام. عذبي المطيري "
"فكرة الموقع ببساطة هي جمع كل الروابط الأكثر إنتشارا في تويتر خلال اليوم وعرضها بشكل مختلف سواء كانت أخبار، صور، فيديو او روابط. بصيغة أخرى.. يمكنك ان تعتبره، ملخص، موجز، مختصر، او زبدة تويتر خلال اليوم"
شخصيا ما لجأت لمليت بشكل يومي، لكن امره من فتره لفتره، له اكاونت بتويتر، لكن احساس الموقع مختلف! اعترف اني للحين افضل الكمبيوتر على التلفون "الذكي" او التابلت؟! و الاهم ان المحتوى معروض بالصور :} المميز بكل المواقع و الحسابات اعلاه، انها ترجمة واقعية لافكار او حلول "للملل" ، في كلتى الحالتين لك الخيار، تترجم و تستفيد او تنصرف لفكرة اخرى، الوقت متاح و يمكن ان تترجم ما تريد على ارض الواقع. لازال نموذج عذبي يثير الفخر بنفسي، لم يعتمد هذا الشاب الكويتي الا على عقله، تعلم ذاتيا على كافة المهارات التي يمتلكها لانتاج مواقع و برامج متعدده، قفز بحياته المهنية من مجال لاخر، ليكون كما يريد.
Think tank graduation
Remember Think Tank the iInstitute? They graduated the first batch "pictures in their Flickr stream". I couldn't make it to the graduation nor attend a course yet! But when I first knew about the graduation I felt very happy, recalling the young people behind it and their efforts to do something different, all the best!
شنو برجك؟
هوس استحدث فيني من صديقة، لها تاثير جميل على النفس، فمن بعد ما كانت حواراتي حول موضوع الابراج تنتهي ب "هالاشياء ما تهمني، ما اصدقها" صارت "شنو برجك؟"
مو قصتي صحتها من عدمها، ليش نبي نعرف الابراج؟ كل برج له صفات، و على امل اننا نعرف الشخص اللي امامنا بشكل افضل نسأل عن البرج. الصفات فيها تعميم و شمول لكافة المولودين بفترة محددة بغض النظر عن ظروف التربية و الحياة اللي يمر فيها الشخص بكل عام، يعني غير متفردة لكل حالة على حدى، لكن الهوس بالابراج يعطينا فهم للاخر او ترقب لما هو عليه هذا الاخر! تبقى الابراج و ما نسمعه عن الاخر غير كافٍ لمعرفته، حتى الاحتكاك الشخصي ان كان في اطار محدد "عمل - هواية ،، الخ" قد لا يكفي لمعرفة الشخص بقدر معايشته بشكل يومي! و عليه، عرفنا البرج ولا ما عرفناه لازم نعطي مساحة "لحقيقة" الاخر، لا ما نعتقده، نسمعه عن هذا الاخر.
"I don't have an identity issue"
It was a sentence among a conversation, yet for some reason it attracted me the most. The context was, my query about his nationality after hearing several "well spoken" dialects! My question came spontaneous out of curiosity, his sentence above, which he said after his answer, made me even more curious, why do we have an issue with one's identity? After all we are all human beings in this world, the most important thing is how we live and interact with one another, who we are now not where we came from. The need to belong is the only reason I can think of to interpret our attachment to our identity, yet with that belonging comes with pride, here we have to be careful not to approach prejudice (bless you Jane Austen). Even if we have several proofs of a certain nation's behavior, outliers exist :}
تعلقت عيني بكلمة "مخرج" في المواقف و انا اتبعها علشان اطلع بعد ما صورتها و حطيتها في الاسنتاجرام، و انا اكتب التعليق، طرت لي فكرة حول اللي يشتكون من وضعهم في مكان او محتوى معين، هل فعلا اهم محكورين ولا يملكون الخيار للخروج؟ الاجابة نعم، مو بالضرورة المخرج يكون للافضل، لكن الافضل ايضا خيار متاح لنا، نقدر نتاقلم و نقدر نغير واقعنا الجديد. شخصيا، قاعدة ادرس مخرج معين و بعد سنين من الوقوف ساكنة قررت الخروج، لكن بعد نهاية الدراسة! اذا فيها خيره الله يسهل و اذا لا، بدور مخرج ثاني :}
Monday, 24 June 2013
The naked truth
“The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie.” ― Ann Landers via good reads
It was a whatsapp status for a friend, the quote above, instantly grabbed my attention. In principal I always prefer the truth, yet how strong am I if its NAKED! Also, how much or how often will I be able to say the truth?
I think the major reason to hide the truth or tell a lie is fear, yes devious manipulative people might prefer it to be a life stye, yet it goes back to their inability to face reality :} which is still fear. Even when you prefer the truth, if you are faced with a loved one the whole equation changes, your feelings towards them get in between!
In spite of fear, feelings or any other reason that might withhold the truth, why do we "not" say it? The truth is irreplaceable, unforgettable and is easier to live with, when did we become so complex and looked away from the truth?! Saying the truth should not only be the general rule or common practice, it should be a lifetime commitment. A quote I love says "Be truthful, gentle and fearless - Gandhi" It sums up the whole equation of how can we say the truth? All you have to do is be truthful, gentle and fearless.
Be honest enough to say the truth from your heart, gentle in conveying that truth no matter how hard it is, and being gentle can be gained with practice. Fearless! The hardest of them, for me, what took away fear is the more convenient life I live in without lying! No extra burdens nor glitches to fix, because when you lie there are glitches that will face you later on which will need more lies to tone them, yes I am not perfect nor you, the human who reads this. Unless you are one of the pros who mix lying with facts!! Then you probably need therapy :}
What provoked this post and got me back to my keyboard is someone dear to me, who was kind and understanding enough to accept my honesty, such people are distinct and are worth keeping, more than many others who prefer to hustle or play innocent while their inner hustler is acting behind the scenes.
It was a whatsapp status for a friend, the quote above, instantly grabbed my attention. In principal I always prefer the truth, yet how strong am I if its NAKED! Also, how much or how often will I be able to say the truth?
I think the major reason to hide the truth or tell a lie is fear, yes devious manipulative people might prefer it to be a life stye, yet it goes back to their inability to face reality :} which is still fear. Even when you prefer the truth, if you are faced with a loved one the whole equation changes, your feelings towards them get in between!
In spite of fear, feelings or any other reason that might withhold the truth, why do we "not" say it? The truth is irreplaceable, unforgettable and is easier to live with, when did we become so complex and looked away from the truth?! Saying the truth should not only be the general rule or common practice, it should be a lifetime commitment. A quote I love says "Be truthful, gentle and fearless - Gandhi" It sums up the whole equation of how can we say the truth? All you have to do is be truthful, gentle and fearless.
Be honest enough to say the truth from your heart, gentle in conveying that truth no matter how hard it is, and being gentle can be gained with practice. Fearless! The hardest of them, for me, what took away fear is the more convenient life I live in without lying! No extra burdens nor glitches to fix, because when you lie there are glitches that will face you later on which will need more lies to tone them, yes I am not perfect nor you, the human who reads this. Unless you are one of the pros who mix lying with facts!! Then you probably need therapy :}
What provoked this post and got me back to my keyboard is someone dear to me, who was kind and understanding enough to accept my honesty, such people are distinct and are worth keeping, more than many others who prefer to hustle or play innocent while their inner hustler is acting behind the scenes.
Monday, 22 April 2013
You are more beautiful than you think
This video really moved me, how often do we see our selves, exactly how we really "are"? Its not only the issue of low self-esteem, its how fair are we towards our selves. Between neglecting yourself and filling it with ego, you move from one flaw to another, as human beings we are bound to be flaw-full, yet where do we draw the line?
The real question is how can we see our "real" selves? The mirror, the real one, the opinion of others. What this video exposed is how fairly the other can view us, especially strangers, those who are unprejudiced by knowing us. In other words, its not so bad to ask the opinion of others or see what they think of you, your actions or looks. Also, being criticized is not the end of the world :}
Sunday, 7 April 2013
From here and there
Ok ladies, see his face, see the pores in his skin? wrinkles? hair? (ok lets skip hair he's a guy) NONETHELESS, he's not perfect although the picture I am sure is well Photoshopped and he probably has makeup on, yet he is considered good looking. I am not against makeup nor looking well, but I'm against the long roads some women might cross to look picture perfect, to be like a model more than her self. Be pretty in your own skin, your own looks not "that actress's nose" or "that model's figure".
الصف الثاني
مدير يشهد له الكثير بالذكاء ، نموذج مبهر للرجل المكافح ، يفهم بكل شي حوله ، بالنقاش تحارب علشان لا يصيد عليك ممسك او يسألك و تقول "ما ادري" لكن ما اعد الصف الثاني! غالبية اللي تحت اشرافه من نوع "اللي تامر فيه" شخصيات تتبع ما تقود ولا عندها اقل الاستعداد للقيادة، و بالنادر تلقى اللي يفهم و يبحث علشان يفهم، يتفرد بالفهامية ولا يربي اللي يحتك معاهم على البحث و الفهم،، و خلال تفكيري بكل اللي حوله، و مع انتهاء الحديث اللي اسهب بالمديح على عقليته قررت انه غير ناجح
النجاح مو انك توصل للقمة، ولا حتى الاستمرار فيها، النجاح انك تعلم الناس يوصلون مواصيلك و يتفوقون عليها، شي مشابه لفكرة الطالب اللي تفوق على المدرس، اعتقد بهالحالة المدرس نجح بالتعليم مو فقط تدريس المادة العلمية ، صح مو كل الطلبة مبهرين بس الشطارة على اللي يفطن وينهم و ينميهم
Was watching "Avatar" the other day and as the father was about to die he gave his daughter his bow and said ".. protect the people". Which brings out the real meaning of being a head of a country / tribe / nation , you do not only rule the country you protect the people. The land is precious and the people in it too.
شنو ناقصك مقابل شنو عندك، معادلة حلوة لو قدرت اللي عندك اكثر من اللي ناقصك، و هم حلو انك تسعى للافضل و للي يريحك بس مو لدرجة عدم تقدير الزين حولك لو كان قليل. بداية الدرب، شنو يخليك تبتسم بدون لا تبذل مجهود؟
Latest addiction "Fly me to the moon" by Julie London, I do love the Sinatra version BUT her voice is simply soothing :}
Think tank
I do not like reviews by request and usually turn them down, this one is a bit different since I gave a warning that it will be an honest one :} and they accepted!
Think tank is a new training center, their specialty is in the iWorld, every thing mac. Of course I will skip the cliche-introduction its there in their FB or IG or Twitter account, what I will focus on is what I really saw there. First of all skip the back filled with paper cartons elevator, make sure you ask them for the nice ones when you visit them, now the place it self is new and very roomy (I like new places :} very neat), and they are education oriented, which is why I wrote this post. First they said they offer free training classes for your iDevice, be it a phone or computer, then the paid courses which range from getting to know coding to Adobe products, the links above have a lot of information in that area.
The enthusiasm in the people there to "educate" is overwhelming, its been a while since I saw young Kuwaitis who want to educate, a small business that is not interested in the usual food-clothes related consumption products. Yes, I can not say my evaluation for the final product "how good is their training is" but I can say that I am proud of think tank and would love to take a course with them, the most attracting issue they dropped in as they spoke about their project is "we don't want to only give the tools and teach you about a program, or finish a curriculum, that you can find in youtube or any other training center, we want to encourage creativity and engage students to accomplish something".
So if you are interested in iEducation or coding, Adobe products, check them out :}
Think tank is a new training center, their specialty is in the iWorld, every thing mac. Of course I will skip the cliche-introduction its there in their FB or IG or Twitter account, what I will focus on is what I really saw there. First of all skip the back filled with paper cartons elevator, make sure you ask them for the nice ones when you visit them, now the place it self is new and very roomy (I like new places :} very neat), and they are education oriented, which is why I wrote this post. First they said they offer free training classes for your iDevice, be it a phone or computer, then the paid courses which range from getting to know coding to Adobe products, the links above have a lot of information in that area.
The enthusiasm in the people there to "educate" is overwhelming, its been a while since I saw young Kuwaitis who want to educate, a small business that is not interested in the usual food-clothes related consumption products. Yes, I can not say my evaluation for the final product "how good is their training is" but I can say that I am proud of think tank and would love to take a course with them, the most attracting issue they dropped in as they spoke about their project is "we don't want to only give the tools and teach you about a program, or finish a curriculum, that you can find in youtube or any other training center, we want to encourage creativity and engage students to accomplish something".
So if you are interested in iEducation or coding, Adobe products, check them out :}
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
From here and there
Lately I have been obsessed by how they stand over lampposts, they seem to have a blast! And the first thought that comes to me when I see them other than smile, how awesome would a shot be taken from above? With a wide angle.
Lately I have been obsessed by how they stand over lampposts, they seem to have a blast! And the first thought that comes to me when I see them other than smile, how awesome would a shot be taken from above? With a wide angle.
المنظور المختلف
و تكملة على منظور الحمام المختلف للشارع، من اعلى الشبّة، وردني انتقاد لفعل شخص معين، نقلا عن انسانة، و التي قال لها زوجها هذا الانتقاد، عن صديقه!! و ساد الحوار حول خطاء "المحشوش" به، كون ما فعله شنيع و جسيم. بالمقابل كان بنظري الفعل الاشنع و الاحق بالانتقاد هو النقل و عدم النصح! فلم يقتصر فعل ذلك الصديق على خيانة امانة صديقه و محاوراتهم الخاصة، و عدم اعطاء النصيحة و التصرف بينهما و على اقل تقدير ان ينهي صداقتهم مادام هذا القعل شنيعا! بل نقل ما ورد من "سوء" الى انسانة غير معنية بالموضوع، فمن هو الاسوأ؟ حجم ما اقترفه الصديق لا يبرر الطعن
When a person is easily distracted it indicates that he/she is not focused or directed, similarly nations. I have been noticing the various issues being debated around, mainly streaming in the fields of politics & managing the country, yet demands and flaws pile up! The public is distracted among issues raising, actions being done around them and trying to criticize flaws. Unity is the enemy of destruction, and that is why man created racism and class discrimination :} Now its your choice to fall as a victim to false "classification". Noting that there will always be an upper - class / race / ethnic group.
KEEK - هبة الكييك
التصوير خلال نص دقيقة و النشر خلال ما يقاربها ممتع! قدرة الشخص على النشر بشكل شخصي "فردي" انتقل من حرف، لصورة، لفيديو. الحكم على المحتوى اهو موضوعي، منو يحدد المحتوى؟ المستخدم، منو بعد؟ انت اللي تشوف؟! في حال لم يتوافق معاك موضوع او مشهد نقل خلال الكيك، ببساطة لا تشاهده، ولا تتابع حساب ذلك الشخص. الشهرة لا تعرف سلبي او ايجابي، فهي شهرة! و ان كنت في مجتمع يمتلك ذاكرة مداها قصير، انت بربييييييع الشهرة ببيزة
التصوير خلال نص دقيقة و النشر خلال ما يقاربها ممتع! قدرة الشخص على النشر بشكل شخصي "فردي" انتقل من حرف، لصورة، لفيديو. الحكم على المحتوى اهو موضوعي، منو يحدد المحتوى؟ المستخدم، منو بعد؟ انت اللي تشوف؟! في حال لم يتوافق معاك موضوع او مشهد نقل خلال الكيك، ببساطة لا تشاهده، ولا تتابع حساب ذلك الشخص. الشهرة لا تعرف سلبي او ايجابي، فهي شهرة! و ان كنت في مجتمع يمتلك ذاكرة مداها قصير، انت بربييييييع الشهرة ببيزة
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Survival .. Observing tiny plants!
On a random piece of land beside concrete & scattered junk, in an environment not set up for the growth of plants, this tiny plant existed! Apparently no matter how it "might" seem like an unfriendly plant environment, plants did grow and as tiny as they are, they were pretty :} wearing the most vivid green color I have seen in a long while in Kuwait.
Leaving me with a smile and admiration of how it managed to survive with FEW resources. Rain season in our climate is a very shy visitor, especially recently. How it managed to grow, and prosper is a thing that deserves a pause (YES I know scientifically its easily explainable but lets take a deeper look :p).
Where resources are found, things prosper, as well as people, that was the echo of the tiny plant survival idea, I instantly measured it to happenings around me. In spite of the fact that this plant did not ask the land nor landowner to exist (it just did!) and it bloomed to something pleasant :} and much missed in our environment. Why not take a pause and embrace things popping up?
Therefore, not all unplanned things are scary, they can be green and pretty :} Sure they might be misplaced, you can simply provide them with a new better place. The urge to survive is worth giving a hand, a gentle word or a smile :}
Leaving me with a smile and admiration of how it managed to survive with FEW resources. Rain season in our climate is a very shy visitor, especially recently. How it managed to grow, and prosper is a thing that deserves a pause (YES I know scientifically its easily explainable but lets take a deeper look :p).
Where resources are found, things prosper, as well as people, that was the echo of the tiny plant survival idea, I instantly measured it to happenings around me. In spite of the fact that this plant did not ask the land nor landowner to exist (it just did!) and it bloomed to something pleasant :} and much missed in our environment. Why not take a pause and embrace things popping up?
Therefore, not all unplanned things are scary, they can be green and pretty :} Sure they might be misplaced, you can simply provide them with a new better place. The urge to survive is worth giving a hand, a gentle word or a smile :}
Book Review: الأسود يليق بك
في معرض الكتاب الماضي صعقت بسرعة بيع الرواية! لكن لأحلام مستغانمي قاعدتها و لي مخاوفي! فبعد اعجابي ب"ذاكرة الجسد" اصابتني الروايتين التاليتين لها (عابر سرير - فوضى الحواس) بنوع من الصدمة، فذاكرة الجسد كان لها الاثر الجميل في نفسي ، ليس فقط لانها انارتني جزائريا و لكن لانها تحدثت بموضوع محضور و سائد ، ماذا لو احببت من لا يمكن ان ترتبط به؟! و عليه قبع اسم مستغانمي بذاكرتي، ولان هذه التدوينة ل الاسود يليق بك، ساتفرغ لها ..
طرت فرحا بالحصول على النسخة "المخشوشة" من معرض الكتاب، بعد ان واجهت كلمة الاحباط التي يتخوف منها كل زائر للمعرض "نفاذ الكمية!" و لكن مصادقة العاملين في المكتبات كان جدااااا مجدي :)
رواية سلسة، لا تتطلب الكثير من الوقت، بدايتها و قلبها يحملان نهايتها آمال كبيرة! فهي رواية حب مبني على الكرّ و الفرّ، حب الانتصار و التملك مقابل السذاجة و الاعتزاز بالنفس، علاقة غير متكافئة و مثيرة للإهتمام. على الرغم من ان هذه الرواية لم تنل على اعجابي بقدر كبير لكن احلام مستغانمي تمكنت من ارسال رسائل عميقة ببعض جمل هذه الرواية، مثل:
"لا حبّ يتغذى من الحرمان وحده، بل بتناوب الوصل و البعاد، كما في التنفّس، إنها حركة شهيق و زفير"
"الحب هو ذكاء المسافة، ألا تقترب كثيراً فتُلغي اللهفة، ولا تبتعد طويلاً فتُنسى"
هناك الكثير اجمل و لكن نظرا لحرمة "التخطيط / التلوين" على الكتب في قاموسي :) كان من الصعب ان انتقي اجمل تلك الجمل التي رسخت في ذاكرتي خاصة و اني انتهيت من قراءته من فتره غير وجيزة، لجمال تلك الجمل لا بالظرورة قناعتي بها..اتمنى أن أتجرأ و اخط غير الحروف المطبوعة في الكتب التي اقرأ؟ ماااادري :} بس ودي!
من النفحات الجميلة في الرواية، تلك الصبغة الجزائرية المأخوذة من حياة المواطن البسيط الذي واجه الارهاب في قلب وطنه و التي احترمها جدا من قلم مستغانمي، فالكاتب المرتبط ببيئته يعطينا منظور اخر و اجمل قد لا نوفق بمعرفته خلال حياتنا اليومية بالإضافة لترسيخ ان الابداع يأتي من اي منبع لا بالظرورة من تلك البلدان التي يزدهر بها فن الكتابة.
استطاعت احلام ان تؤثر بي كثيرا من خلال قصة غير مرتبطة بالإرهاب و معاناة المواطن الجزائري معه، و لكن قصة تلك الأغنية التي ابكت بطلة الرواية! و هي باللهجة "الشاوية" و التي حسب الموروث الجزائري، غنتها امرأة من منطقة "مراونة" بكت "عيّاش-يها" بعد ان اخذهم رجل طامع! لن استرسل فكلي امل ان اثير فضولكم حولها ..
لا تخلوا الرواية من ذلك الرجل المراوغ الذي يعزف على اوتار اعجاب المرأة كما تريد المرأة! فمع احترامي للرجال لكن فقط قلم امرأة قادر على ذلك الكر و الفر و الصبر و الشجاعة للمحاولة للوصول لقلب المرأة، و ان كان هناك رجل يجيد ما حبكته من مناورات فهو نادر، اما ان وجد عاشق تلك البطلة بالواقع، فا عويذ الله من شره!
٣ من ٥
و تستحق القراءة :}
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