this is with MS's Internet Explorer & it occured before, but this time I used FireFox it was perfeclly normal @@, so what is the problem with the IE & Safat? are they mt7arbein ? :}
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Very strange, I'll take a look at it.
Ok looked at it. Its the CSS from the feeds they aren't closed properly and IE has some stinky issues on how it handles CSS, especially if the tags aren't closed.
There isn't anything I can do to stop it from happening. Besides everyone should just use Firefox ,). It is the better choice. I even install it on my friends computers without them knowing cause I can't deal with IE anymore.
Than you for the reply :}. Well looks like am going to go for firefox IE is getting worse by the day.
Will try that next time it happins & am still on IE if not changed soon :}, thank you very much for the reply.
Q8CG, gelna sh-har 9oom wo 3ebada, but post ya bent post :)
Purg :}
LOL ur scaring me are you a mind reader?? @@
am writing a post right now, I mean it is about time its been almost a week since my last post, but really its not rmu6'an I just was out of ideas because I had a lot to think about & distract me from thinking of something to write, felt like am empty !!
BUT in a few minutes from this post the new post will be born :} its already written just needs editing. Thank you for el mutab3aa ya uboo P4 ;p
:) Q8CG, yeah I read minds, the power of P4
:} also a mind reader @@ how intresting
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