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*A close up*

A quiet BLOG to chill out, talk about me, my ideas & my beloved Kuwait.
* Deera Chat : The first Kuwaiti Podcast, by Ali & Musaed.
* Style.com Video Podcast : Style.com takes you inside the world of fashion, with up-to-the-minute runway show videos that go beyond the catwalk to cover the hair, makeup, and designer action backstage, as well as the celebrity-packed front-row scene. Subscribe to Style.com's podcast, and get your all-access pass today.
* Vogue Fashion On Demand : Vogue magazine podcast, Fashion On Demand takes you onto the runways and behind the scenes in the world of fashion, beauty and luxury from Vogues point of view.
I like the first one! The sun's squiggly! :D
cute drawings :) I liked the 4th one... chenhom 2 chiffon scarves 6ayren bel hawa :p
Glad u liked it :D
its my swirly sunny sun :D ,, its rays are also tiny triangles :>
WANASA am getting nice reviews so faaaaaar :D:D me happy!
wow! a very nice describtion too :}
i loved the colors and the 3rd one :)
eb cham?
I like drawing too, bas been a while since the last time I drew anything good... yabela mazaaj :[ enshallah when I draw something yeswa I'll post it, and I think 3baid should do that too! leana fannan mashallah 3alaih
الاولى والرابعه حلوين
great talent you have hear...
keep doing what you like....
Love the colors...the first drawing reminded me of Van Gogh Starry Nights :)
Karras-aaaaaaaaaaaa :) is it the old one with red and back full with arab flags?
'' Judy Abbott ''
:} thnx for the nice feedback :D about selling I haven't thought of it! But curently they are not for sale :D once I start to dare think about selling some I will inform you :>
P.S: great feeling to know some one wants to keep something I did :D THANK YOU
I knoooooooooow what ur saying! am very moody when it comes to drawing! I drew these after stopping for like!!!! 6 months? yes I had some sketches but they were never complete! instead of drawing I do some crafts, one of them is a project to keep in my office, once am done will give u a glempse of it :}
Oo shwgteeeni to see ur work :D:D wating to check it out, & 3baid @@ the every day suprising me guy :D YES i would like to see your work too dear :> from what I see in ur blog & posts I think you have a big immagination & would do lovely drawings, love to see them when ever you wish & can show us them :}
شكرا :> ونستني وعطيتني دفعه للأمام
Thank youuuuu :D:D dear
you made me say AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *scream around the house* omg of Van Gogh I LOVE HIS WORK, a totally love ur brains for bringing my humble drawing next to his starry nigh :D:D me happy
glad u liked'em dear :*
Interessting how the 3rd brough that in ur mind :D, am very glad u liked them thank you for the VERY helpful & posetive feed back :D:D
LoooooooooooooooL @@ You damn you @!@ you caught me red handed :<
Bs la 9j mn weeeeeeeeein 6ala3t'ha LOL! when i read it oh yeaaaaah along with the baba Jaber dfaaatr
Blooooooooooooooo :D:D
me happy you like me work :D thank you so much for ur lovely comment
Mello :D
Hello there :D, am glad u liked it & them :> that made me happy ,, thank youuuuuuu :}
i like the 2nd one, chenha gate or something
what, no fire? heh
I'M THRILLED to know that there is nooooooooo FIRE over here this time LOL ;p
flad u liked them dear :D:D
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