* The best lesson you can get from people is how to deal with them while you & them are from two different worlds, have different definitions of things & at some cases you have some basic believes which they lack, for example: dignity?. That is not the case its not that serious but Dignity is an example :}
* I'm starting to get back wonderful things, back to having simple things cheer me up. The birds trick worked again :> ,, when I was in high school by my window there was a tiny nest of beautiful wild birds which by time gone away. I sill love every wild bird I see & they bring me a huge amount of relief. Maybe because they remind me of my canary that died during the Iraqi invasion?

* I noticed that when I take an over view on a blog I look for the PICTURES then I would think about the text :} I realized that I'm missing out a loooooot of nice things! I SHOULD READ MORE.
* I'm hooked to ZUMA from www.popcap.com (this is specially dedicated to the games lover Misguided) :> hope u like it.

I am a ZUMA-holic too :O
Hussa am glad am not the only one ;> its a very nice game, however i have a big problem with concentrating on the coins! in advanced levels, especially the one that closes a temple :<
You just lose and replay the game over and over again till you move to another level.
Oo dori yaa dawarah.
Merry Christmas Girl and Happy New Year.
been a long time since I last played that game....!!!
I think I'll try it one more time....!!!
and by the way... I tagged you....?!?!
:} ita hard for me to lose am trying to hit a record ;p
Happy holidays season dear :>
checked ur blog out & will try to post the desktop pic soooooooon :> insha2 Allah today!
Dear Chill-Girl,
Thanks for the dedication.. you are a sweetheart!
To be honest I am a huge Zuma fan... HUGE is an understatement...
mhhhh.. this is kinda freaky... you really know my taste in games.
Your fan always,
اموووت على هاللعبه اتينن..
am glaaaaaaad you liked it & its a favorite of urs I kinda guessed it ;p ,, I think by now I know ur taste in games :>
العفووووووووو :> و ناسه اكتشفت انه اكو اشكثر معجبين بزوماااا :] مو بس انا المدمنه عليها
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