A little about them:
About Salloumi:
Salloumi.com founded in March, 2008 by a group of Kuwaiti users. It serves users globally to upload their videos and share them with other people accessing the same website. It also provides the ability to embed videos from other websites using a HTML embedding code so people of certain websites can view our videos.
In order to globalize and activate the website's hits by users, a mailing list was created using one of the most sophisticated mailing list systems. A user is allowed to subscribe to or unsubscribe from our mailing list which publishes daily forwardable e-mail letters containing pictures, videos, or recent topics. Yet, our mailing list reached the number of 24,000 e-mail addresses. Most of them are of Arabic users.
Points to Be Targeted:
Salloumi staff aims to achieve the good reputation through the G.C.C countries. Accordingly, the website was managed to serve up to 5,000 users streaming videos at a given time. Therefore, the staff had to get a single powerful server, at the mean time, to achieve a high performance and a good availability to the users.
this lovely picture of many more cute furnature pictures led me to them

and I thought it was a review of a falafel place!
جئت اهرب من الانتخابات وكعادة مدونتك لم تخيب ظني :)
موقع جميل، والاجمل انه يأتي من الكويت...
حتى وقت قريب جدا كان اول فكرة (وآخر فكرة ايضا) يفكر فيها اي كويتي يبي يسوي موقع انه يفتح منتدى! واذا كان يريد موقعا بفكرة اخرى من البديهي له ان المنتدى يكون جزءا منه.. عالم منتديات
نتأمل فيهم الخير انشالله ونتمنى لهم التوفيق
erm ... not to be rude but is this website supposed to take over the world and destroy the evil forces of youtube?
The idea doesn't make sense unless it's supposed to be accessible if/where you tube is blocked.
Maybe I'm missing something ......
Oh well more power to them I suppose ....
LOL, the title says more than i can
سعيدة اني ما خيبت ظنك، على الرغم من ان ايدي تحكني و ابي اكتب عن الانتخابات و عن مجلسنا القادم و يمكن اخفف عن نفسي عوار الراس و اتم مع الاشياء اللي تونس
فكرتهم متنوعة يتوجهون نحو الوب 2.0 فهل بينجحون؟ اللي دلني عليهم ايميل طائش من قائمتهم البريدية خل نشوف لي جدام وين توصل جهودهم
i respect ur opinion, but ur being hard lol i mean what will my blog do? will it destroy the evil famous blogs around the world ;p local attempts in more globally known projects is common, i think this is the case
its a try "as they claim" to be a site to spread uploaded information, lets see how things go with them :D
KTDP, yeah, you're being hard actually hehe.
I was searching the web looking for people linking to our website. I found this lovely blog where its admin can publish himself/herself peacefully.
Thank you for linking to us, it is our work's pleasure.
The idea of salloumi is a place of joy. We send forwardable e-mails, created by our lovely admins. Also, we offer the ability to upload video files to be distributed and shared.
Youtube is sold to google by 1,5 billion. Believe me, if I had this amount of money I would program salloumi as a Kuwaiti operating system and not just a website for video sharing, hehe.
We're just trying to reflect Kuwaities' programming skills and work to the world by achieving such websites that do need WORK. Believe me they do need work. Not style, template, layout and such, but the multimedia conversion skills are needed. We read papers of researches for those who got Ph.ds and masters just to try to solve few of our issues. It might be fun for visitors, it might increase our knowledge, it might earn money, etc. However, it raises Kuwait's name, eventually. Salloumi is a Kuwaiti dala3 name, and not else.
One more time, thanks for linking to us, do not hesitate in contacting us regarding web development issues. We'll be happy to assist you.
Sincere regards
Salloumi Admin
Salloumi Admin
welcome to my blog, its a pleasure to hear from you and you cleared things out to me too :} i did not know that it was programed by q80s and had that depth in ur work :) i respect that and will do an other post on u guys pretty soon :)
and i am glad that KTDP commented here to raise this pleasant conversation, its a pleasure to hear from you both
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