I was like HUH !! ... Then took a closer look & an other shoot of it !!

OK I know barbie I had it as a child & that is not how mattel made it !! Since when do we see this kind of dolls in Kuwait ? .. Or this is a TalibanISH wave ?
Will the Kuwaiti youngsters be badly effected by a barbie while in Kuwait all the FEMALES are free to wear what ever they want?
Will the barbie in the Abaya & hijab solve all the pervert things in this world ?
Is Barbies a member of التنظيم الصهيوني العالمي ??
If any one can give me an answer why did the poor doll get to become like this ?? Please be my guest.
That is freaky, but I think the real question is what is she wearing underneath...
Maybe they are covering up her bikini or something and ran out of black ink.
That really is strange.
Maryam, well surprises never stop :} today Barbie is covered in black .. tomorrow we might follow the people who make dolls face-LESS ( yeah it can get creepier !)& actually sell them in Kuwait Allah forbids !!
Nipaq, I really have no idea but it might be a new fashion trend to cover dolls so they would look weird for a while then un-cover them in even a weirder way?.. I might not make much sense with my comment but the whole issue in a way doesn’t really.
Tata, Well I didn't hear any thing about Mattel Inc. doing that! & think it is an edited picture via Photoshop... HOWEVER if Mattel wishes to sell its Barbie this way so be it.. the reason why this picture moved me so much is the thought that its not originally like that it got covered for the sake of making SOME people happy & destroy how a doll looks like, a doll is the most ancient innocent game a child could get a hold at.. today its a picture of a doll tomorrow what ??!!
HWKW, interesting article!! .. Wonder if envy got to Barbie from that’s why she chose this look ?.
wasn't there a muslim doll made by iran ? and there was ad on space toon about fullah , same thing i think
Anon., Well the issue of having a so claimed "ISLAMIC" doll is not what I intend to discuss because I believe every one has the right to represent him self & beliefs as long as it doesn't bother others .. having an Islamic doll is a thing I wouldn't mind as long as the people who use it, buy it to their kids believe in it & the kids most importantly like it ! .. the issue here is why they cover up for something that is ORIGINALLY not!! .. its not any one's right to do that Barbie is not like that & if some one likes a covered up doll buy one which is ORIGINALLY covered up don't decide for other people what to wear :). True a doll may not bring all those ideas to mind but to me I think its more serious that just black inc covering up a doll. Today its a doll tomorrow what?!
عقدة النقص لدى بعض العرب تجعلهم يريدون استنساخ كل ماهو معروف لطرح نسخة مسلمه منه على حد قولهم
ابتداء بباربي وانتهاء بـ"زمزم كولا" الايرانيه
ولكنهم للأسف لا يلاحظون انها لا تحظى بأقبال كما يريدون
لا زالت فكرة فرض الاختيار موجوده مع ان المنطق يقول حرية الاختيار هي اساس كل الاديان وليس الدين الاسلامي فقط
ماذكرت بالإضافة الى فرض و اجبار الغير على تقبل افكارهم هو الخطاء ! القناعه وحدها تحقق الإلتزام .. و لا يولد الارغام الا قشرة يعتقد الكثير انها الدين ! هنا الخيار ان تكون هشا و لا تعدوا كونك قشرة افكار تتبع الأخرين ام ان يكون لك رأيك و منتوجك الخاص.
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