Wednesday, 28 October 2009

From here and there

Got late for work, decided to have breakfast home, every one is in shock! ur not at work, then I thought to my self why didn't anyone assume am on leave? Do I work too much!? that they actually forgot this option lol?

ماكو شي احلى من سوالف حمّود ولد اخوي، بس اليوم لها نكهة خاصة! قاعده اتريق بأمان الله

حمّود: عمتي، دريتي انا زوعت
انا: لا سلامات "احاول ابلع لقمتي باسرع وقت و جبدي بدت تقلب" متى؟
ح: امس بالصبح ،، اقصد اليوم الصبح
ا: ميخالف من الحراره ايصير جذيه ساعات اهم شي سلامتك انت زين؟ شلون بطنك الحين؟
*ببالي رجعت ولا زوعت! بعدين فكرت مو وقته صراع اللهجوي* كلش مالي داعي
ح: لا لا عمتي تدرين انا زوعت و طلع مني شي لونه

*اهنيه بديت احس اني غلطت لما طولت معاه الموضوع* ودي اقوله حمود ما احتاج هالكثر تفاصيل بس شكل كشته و بجامته المعفسه خلوني اكمل معاه

و استطرد حمود: شي لونه اسود مادري بني
ا: *قاعده اغمض عيوني لعل و عسى مخي ما يشتغل بالخيال* الحمد لله حبيبي اهم شي انك زين، عندك دوا ولا بتروح الطبيب؟
ح: لا عندي
ا: قاطعته قبل لا يسترسل، انزين حبيبي اكل دواك و ان شاء الله تصير زين و هذي اخر زوعه ان شاء الله

و تم يروح و يرد و يكلم لي سوالفه و خرابيطه اللي تونس، بس بدون زواع

Lately my days were hectic, socially mostly, although I like connecting with people but not excessively, being the oldest of the girls is not so easy!

السيل لمحمد عبدو دشت مزاجي مادري ليش! بس اللي بحفله مو التسجيل الاصلي، سمعتها ذاك اليوم بالكويت اف ام مع برنامج عبدالعزيز الصايغ و محمد الجاسر، احب هالاثنين يونسوني، مع اني ما اسمع ١٠٣.٧ كلش مؤخرا، بس هالاثنين ردوني لها

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

350 Walkathon - Kuwait

From Kuwait Paper Dump :) The cause in details is in, but to cut the story short:

-What is the event for? To conserve the climate, stop global warming which is caused by the burning of fossil fuel that increases the CO2 level.

- Why "350"? 350 is the most important number in the world—it's what scientists say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

-Why the event? To get global "political" attention and enforce rules and regulations to get the wanted 350!

-The event in Kuwait: A walkathon from the Scientific Center to Marina Crescent, during the walk people will get some information about the "350" need!

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Scattered thoughts

Why apologize for a scratch when you left a big wound before? If you needed people to tell you that you scratched someone, then you probably do not even know that you wounded that person :) I honestly think that feeling for others is a blessing! And the ability to express your self well, is too, a big blessing!

Dead tired and sleepy! trying to hold up till 9pm at least

Blackberry Messenger abuse!
- When some flood you with broadcasts
- When get invited to a group of total strangers, for no obvious common factor but the group maker
- When you get the broadcast message again, from a mutual friend of the broadcaster! and yes they know!
- When they send you a broadcast asking you to broadcast!
- When you see the person sitting beside you looking at your BB wanting you to read their message knowing that currently you are talking to a person face to face!

Taking Vitamin C regularly, in hopes of avoiding the widely spreading flu

Sunday, 18 October 2009


نقلا عن بريد الكتروني شغل مخي

"ليس السعيد في هذا العالم من ليس لديه مشاكل

ولكن السعداء حقيقة هم أولئك الذين تعلّموا كيف يحلون مشاكلهم ويقتنعون بتلك الأشياء البسيطة التي لديهم.

نصيحة مني.. احتفظ بابتسامتك دائماً مهما كانت الظروف"

أحاول الاحتفاظ بابتسامتي قدر المستطاع على الرغم من اني واجهت صعوبة بالبداية بس تأقلمت مع الوضع بالكويت، فلا يوجد زمن بلا مشاكل او شخص كامل، و اعتقد قمة الابداع و السعادة هو التأقلم مع هذه العقبات :) فلا يوجد وقت حزين او سيئ فنحن من نصنع الحزن او السعادة

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Color result of a hennaed head 5

و خضبت شجاعتها بالحناء

مريضة سرطان قررت ان تقهر تساقط شعرها بفعل العلاج الكيميائي بالحناء! لا اعلم من اين اتتها الفكرة و لكنها ألهمتني بتفاؤلها، فلم ترى رأس من دون شعر فقط، بل رأت انها مساحة لنقش الفن و الجمال، دليل صريح على اننا نحدث الفرق بين الجميل و البشع بانفسنا ،، التالي نص الرسالة من مجموعة تطوعية كويتية التي من خلالها علمت عن مريضة السرطان الجميلة

Care and Share

هذا لنـك لـ
عندها أكاونت في فلكر و اهو موقع للتصوير ..وهم اهي لها خبره بنقش الحنه .. و راحت لها مريضة سرطان .. تطلب منها انها ترسم لها بالحنه على راسها بدل ماتلبس غطاء الراس مال المرضى .. بعد ما تساقط شعرها بسبب علاج الكيماوي
الموضوع حلو وايد .. حبينا اتشاركونا بالاطلاع على الموضوع واهو يبين لنا مدى التفاؤل اللي تتمتع فيه هالمريضه .. ويبعث التفاؤل في نفوسنا كلنـا ^_^

This is a link for
She owns an account on flickr .. It’s a photography site and she does a great henna paints
Some day a cancer patient came to her.. And asked her to draw some henna flowers on her head instead of wearing a wig...
This is a great subject we want to SHARE it with you.. This shows us how this patient still have a hope, faith and satisfaction about how she looks..Also spread optimism to all of us

Special Thanks to Olga .. Great job ^_^

p.s: they are the "we care" group but changed their name to "care and share" :) their blog linked above will be updated later on.

From here and there

مدونة كتب، مدونة ممتعة تستحق الزيارة، فهي مدونه تتحدث عن الكتب و تتفاعل مع القراء من خلال مسابقات و الجوائز بهذه المسابقات كتب :) شعور جميل عندما اكتشفت وجود مثل هذه المدونة المتاحة للكل و لا تبحث عن الانتقائية بقرائها بقدر الانتشار و الرقي بالثقافه و الكتب، الله يوفقهم و جزيل الشكر لمتابعتي الجديدة الشجرة الأم لاني وجدت هذه المدونة من خلال ملفها الشخصي .. و جزيل الشكر لكل من يتابع و زين مدونتي بصورته على اليمين

I was supposed to write about how I tripped the other day and had almost sprained my ankle, but lately I'm mentally exhausted, I still wish for a device to copy our thoughts through telepathy or some sort of cable to translate thoughts into written words in the blog :)

ضحكت من قلبي! و قمت افكر هل لو قال هالكلام لرئيس عربي شنو بيصير له! بس بدع بن هودج مان ، و الشكر له لانه خلاني اعرف اسم "الفولجر سالووت" اللي كتبت عنه المقاله اللي قبل هذي

Love Actually on MBC Max now, weird thing is why its a crappy version, looks like an enlarged pixel filled picture :/ will not see it not only for the crappy version thing but also because I have the FULL GRENDIZER series :D annnnnd also Narutu first season, the thanks to goes to my friend who provided both from a friend, which makes me appreciate electronic media transfer :D

Vulcan Salut

Saw this hand gesture in Star Trek stayed in my mind for a long while, although am not a big fan of the TV show but I liked this hand thing. Been using it for a while now and today just knew what its name was :] The Vulcan Salute, is the hand thing above :p me likey!

SO "Live long and prosper" people :>

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Twitter : 12 - 12- 42

I follow 12
12 follow me

two even numbers!

add 12+12=24

I have 42 Tweets!!!
get it??
24 flip it >> 42!!!


12+12+42= 66

yet an other even number :D

Tulip breaking virus

What causes a Tulip to look like the picture above is a virus, originally that is, currently its more deliberate and is caused by breeding :> What was once a disease is now a profession.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009


So we went to Sawah in the Eid period. The location is amazing and the decoration / interior design is simply creative! it's the middle east meets pop culture sort of theme, and it also intersects with old Arabic designs. Tables and seating was nice, although my mother hated the single chairs but there were cushions for the help.

Food, nothing out of the ordinary, I still prefer to go to Cafe Blanc if I want a contemporary Lebanese cuisine. We tried Hot and Cold Mazza, they were all right. Unfortunately they forgot to serve us the main course we requested, and at the time that we got really bored with the poor service and decided to leave, therefore I can not say anything about it, didn't try it!

Service, CRAPPY! I don't know what was wrong but they forgot half of our starters! When I asked for it they brought them, and again they forgot the ONE main dish we ordered! The waiters were busy wondering around but not making eye contact with the guests, I had to call them every time and raise my voice to catch their attention! a thing that I hated very much! Although they were friendly, but not focused. I don't know if we caught them in a bad time but forgetting an order is not an option in a restaurant and it does not depend on the bad or good timing, its about the efficiency of the workers.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Thoughts on the 5th

It is a very strange feeling when you wake up from a dream hitting the floor, especially if it was a nice dream! And when you wake up, you find out its just an illusion?!

Perfect, as much as I enjoyed the word perfect I saw all the imperfections around. Couldn't help it :> The odd thing though is that I can be a perfectionist but hate being perfect! But as some say "Kamla w el kamel Allah" to praise a "she" I do think that perfection is out of our reach.

Smell, I was thinking to my self that how amazing the sense of smell is. In terms of memory, I realized also that it is less powerful compared to my visual memory.

When ever the brain & feelings intersect, the definition of Right or Wrong can be different from its reality, however I think that if we leave it to the brain we will get a more accurate decision, not necessarily a satisfying one. The feelings (aka heart) may go on the right direction, but not often hence the brain presence is a must, nevertheless, a few bits of madness are not so bad.

It is amazing how many thoughts you can think of during a day, let alone your life time! Many come across and I forget to document. I plan to document more.

I've heard it before but just knew it is called "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven. I love Wikipedia :D

Monday, 5 October 2009

From here and there

مشهد لاغتيال هيبة الفنجال

I wonder what is it that you can not find in Jabriyah?

و عاد ايدب للنشاط، من اكثر المدونين ابهارا لي بالمعلومات و الطرح الثقافي المثري، مدونتة تستحق الزيارة

Annnd I joined twitter :) just now!

اكره لما تحوشني حالة انه من كثر التعب ما يجيني نوم و لما مخي يعاندني و ايتم يشتغل

Teddy on the go!, a new creative blog, following teddy around for a whole year :> gave me a hint of Miskan but in a more fun creative way :} If that is not enough, check out twitter too :p

Sunday, 4 October 2009


Some types of people that I stumbled across during my day, in the streets of our beloved Kuwait :)

- Am expensive

For some reason, the people who drive expensive cars "the more expensive, the more extreme they get" have the illusion that they are alone in the road :) If your car is less expensive, crossing you is not an option they step on you, since you do not exist. Also for some reason I think they see it a bit offensive if they used the light signals to change lanes! You have to use telepathy around them. Yes one more thing, the do think that they own the road, in their cars are the papers for it in case you doubt that! Watch out! For the heck of it, they tend to be nicer with cars similar to their price range.

- You are not a 4x4

Some ,, hmm MOST 4x4 drivers around, think other cars are either 4x4 or a mosquito, you do not exist if you are smaller 4x4, and do not think that you are bigger than an atom if you are a small sedan! Of course, you have to make way for them! And if you don't it really doesn't matter they will run over you any way. Losing your privacy is a risk you might face when you stop at a light sign with a 4x4 beside you.

- The Lane creators

There are drivers who are not satisfied with the laws of traffic, when it comes to creating lanes Hawally or Jabriyah are probably the best examples, there is the legal lane and the people lane, it starts with the car nose fight and ends up with you being scared to hell to get your car scratched just because someone thinks that the legal lanes are not good enough for them.

- You are invisible

Also there are some who think they are alone in the road, so making them get to where they want is your problem, you have to make room for them, be alert with brakes! and make room for them to stay alive. A criteria that widely includes elders.

- The crash makers!

If whats above is not enough, then try the crash makers. Even if you are the best driver in the world they manage to get you in trouble, sudden brakes is their best game! Be aware people! Also the fake signal maneuver, they trick you when signaling to the right while you see the whole car suddenly turning LEFT, a restaurant delivery car specialty I might add! And nevertheless, the ones who see your brake lights and think you are moving and when they bump your car "Oh, sorry, I thought you were moving" throwing all the technology integrated in a car to make it tell you when is it stationary and when is it moving, in the drain!

Saturday, 3 October 2009


It seems that am a little back dated with the internet abbreviations :> the other day a friend wrote OMW, and I was puzzled! After asking him the answer was

OMW = On My Way!

Made me think am I getting that old?! :p

So OMW home today I spotted little blue and purple things flying! And they were kites :D took a short stop to take pictures :> I'm guessing that Al-Farsi Team (their official website is not working! This is their Flickr pool for now!) are behind this beautiful scene in our sky, defeating heat and drawing a smile on our faces.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Pinkberry'ish Avenues :D

Went for a quick Avenue visit, saw this AD for Pinkberry that opened in Avenues, it was very nice! and looked yummy! although am not a yogurt person it made me want to try it!