Sunday, 11 October 2009

Tulip breaking virus

What causes a Tulip to look like the picture above is a virus, originally that is, currently its more deliberate and is caused by breeding :> What was once a disease is now a profession.


Anonymous said...

So tulips still look nice even when they're sick? :}

Marzouq said...

They do look pretty, never knew breeding could make viruses for plants!

Eluded Euphoria said...

so the virus thing is human made. walla mn allah?!.. wayid ga3da ala7'6 inna el scientist nowadays are playing with genes.. espacially 3l plants o that stuff..madry laish!

Q80-ChillGirl said...

seeeee :D and that is why i absolutely adore them in any shape and state :>

Nope its VS, it was a virus that hits the plants and hence they get those broken petals look and were expensive btw! bas now they try to memic that effect by breeding and it works :D

No the virus mn Allah bas it gave tulips this look that made its price go up :> bas nowadays they try to resemble that look by breeding...

Genetic engineering is long back, and the researchers i guess are amazed by the outcomes and try to get what they think is optimum?! bas personally am against it, unless its beneficial medically, because i prefer to eat/use natural stuff :}