This is my 4 year old keyboard :}
I do that with paper too, I don’t know why but am more comfortable writing or typing when the thing am writhing/typing with is tilted :} !
P.S= the "horizontally" added so no confusion will occure :} as P72 noted, it can be confusing.
I am really lost, please explain more.
Now here is a short post & you complain haa @@
Well I cant type if the keyboard is straight I have to tilt it horizontally to be comfortable, same thing is with writing & paper.
My Keyboard says: Oh hi there :} I meet your blog dailly,, nice work :D.
Keyboard *Big Smile :D* says : your WelcomeZ
I did not complain, I was really confused. Tilt means to lift at an angle, so ok, many have the tabs in the back lifted for the keyboard, but when you said papers I got lost!
Well i thought u didnt get it due to lack of explonation :$, I ment it horizontally :}
Q8CG, ok :)
The screen is kinda' tilted to the side so I prefer to keep the keyboard straight but if the screen (monitor) was straight then I'd tilt the keyboard. I also love to tilt my notebook to the side when I write. Interesting post :)
;p then we are kinda the same!, well monitor tilted or not my keyboard is always not straight at least not when am using it :D.
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