Since I was a child I liked even numbers & my favorite is "2", the reason for that is I used to imagine numbers as dots in space so I can add & subtract them, in that space the dots had to be organized since I like that alot & makes it easy to calculate, the even numbers were pretty nice because each dot has its companion & well organized in two lines.
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This is the 4 :} in my mental space!
Mean while odd numbers had to have "one dot" alone! I used to feel that this "one dot" as untied, also felt sorry for the poor lonely dot! Because its all alone.
See there is a lonely dot in 3!! As it is with all odd numbers.
So that logic is what I think made the passion for the even numbers grow in me, but wait :} the post isn’t about that only; I mean if I like even numbers then what is the odd thing I noticed while driving? @@ . The odd thing is that I was hearing a song I like & turned up the volume without looking at which number the volume was at but I raised it till it sounded good then "the thing I noticed that I always DO" I looked & saw the volume at
So I turned it higher by 1 so it gets to 20,,, that moment I realized that I NEVER let the volume level go to an odd number! I have to make it an even number, lower the volume or make it higher I always want it to be an even number.
P.S: the screen is dirty due to the wonderful weather we had at noon!
intresting...i'm an odd person actually my favorite # is 3&15 i don't no why but i just noticed that i feel it's much challenging when it comes to maths...
Wow! Same thing over here. If I get a choice, I always choose even numbers instead of odd ones. It's not because of that dot thing that you do but it's kind of the same concept. I dislike leftovers.
One more thing we have in common to add to the list :P
same here but i'm a 5x person....!!!
that means anything would either be fivish or tenish....!!! (5,10,15,20,25,... etc)
i find it also strangely in my eating habits....!!!
did u realize back in the golden ages (of childhood) when ur given candy or fruit flavoured "thingies" (الحلاو الّي فيه ضفدع و فراشة و صدف حلزون) and after examiningthese entities....!!!
u start to divide them in groups.... the butterflys ( #), the froggers (&), the snailer (@), or by the color...
yellow, green, and so on...
then u start to eat the least favourate color or animal and end up with the "main event"....!!!
i found out this urge each time i encounter a multy colored or shaped food "particles"....!!!
خلصت كلامي...
ahaa @@ i think so too its something i do o ana ma at3meda i just see my self ebsr3a check the vol. m3a ena ykon el mstwa ok :} but i check it then if its odd i have to change it :D. & as for my vol. it depends on what i listen really + my mood :D if i was into loud music or just slow soft :}.
nano :}
HeLLo dear :} when it comes to math its my second name :D amoot 3la elmath especially adding & subtracting,, when i see like a 6 digit number on a car so i devide the 1st three numbers from the second three ones & try to figure out the number that if u add to one & subtract from the other they become alike :D
so 357 needs 594 to get to 951 (357+594=951)
same for 951 it needs to take off 594 to be 357 (951-594=357)
i always do that too :}
Ee wallah we have alooooot incomon dear :},, wnasa :D
عبد ربنا
Welcome ur 3oha-ness in our humble chillout q8 blog :}.. eeeeee hatha 7law tooty fruity 3jeeb i used to like red butterflies the most ,, & the green was the worst flavour og mine :D & unlike you i had a BETTER strategy :D,, i start with the less-tastefull flavours for me then i leave THE BEST for LAST :D just like with toast when i was a kid i eat the edges 1st then the soft white center ;p.. shkli bro7 ashteri some tooty fruity today b4 i start the diet :D
My volume is set at just right. I really dont notice the even/odds.
But for numbers I like numbers that are easily fractioned. To me those are fun numbers cause I can do a lot with them like(1/2 1/3 1/4).
Hey sinbad :}
well nibaq I like that kind of numbers too that u can easilly calculate the fractions with in them,, like multiples of 10,20 actually most of the even numbers but there are some even that are there two like 50,30 & their multiples as well... math is nice as long as i dont go near INTEGRATIONS :D
Oh my gosh, please read my blog. I am glad I read this, it made me feel more 'normal,' haha(:
omg! im not the only one in this world :p
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