Yesterday in a big gathering I had my share of helping to add some fresh-lly done Fruit Salad .. So here it is in pictures:
1- chop selected fruits about the same size (preferably tiny so that a small spoon can carry about 4 pieces of fruit) .. The fruits I chose yesterday were :
a- Apples (3 medium sized)
b- Banana (2 medium sized)
c- kiwi (3)
d- Strawberry (a whole small plastic box, u know the boxes they sell them in!)
e- Grapes ( as much as u need green into the mix)
f- citrus fruit (not too much if ur gona use a yellow colored juice like I did)
2- After you see the quantity of the chopped fruits fill up about 3/4 of the bawl mix them up & add your favorite kind of juice, my preferred one is mango BUT there are rules for that:
- Since mango is a sweet fruit then use not so sweet fruits (taste them) so you would have a balance in the mixture of flavors.
- focus on adding fruits with colors other than yellow.
3- decoration, I decided this time to make a grape & strawberry flower, By:
cutting a strawberry into slices starting from the middle make sure there is plenty of space in the upper side of the strawberry to holds the cut pieces up, then spread them & make it look like a blooming flower.
Then I placed one grape in the middle & 4 strawberries around it, then here it goes :D my faked water Lilly or a lotus ;p
Finally here it is my Fruit Salad finished
And my pride & joy @!@ the flower in the middle
pity I couldn't get a picture of the bawl in its final place at the dining table BUT I guess u got the picture ;p.