Fusayfesa2 art @ burj Ehmood or El-hmood am not sure but its located in Kuwait City
THOUQ,, pretty nice mag, I mostly loved how the cover is full of my favourite color for this winter :}
A quiet BLOG to chill out, talk about me, my ideas & my beloved Kuwait.
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ma fahamt shay men hal pics :)
they are not supposed to dear :D they are just pics of my days,, a bit of here & there :}
Hallaw~! Is the magazine new? Awal mara asma3 3anha... ha tiswa ashtireeha killa pictures willa fee garga bill 3araby? Take more pics, I demand more more MORE! 6arrarra watshara6 ;P
hmm then now come no cat pics :)?
HeLLooo dear :} ,, yes its a nice mag am not sure how old it is :S i tried to dig it out but no luck ,, check my new post for more info on THOUG mag ,, & yes its worth buying :>
there were no cats on my way :'(
hmm how can any way or freej in kuwait be free of cats? hmm do you think they are hiding from the police ;)?
Nooooooooooooooo purg
its not from my freej or any thing they are random pictures chosen from a big collection i have of pictures i take daily :} so i picked these to be showed.
so you go around taking pictures ha ;)? I have to watch out for you
yes i do :}, & i take pictures of things & never ppl without permission since its not my right to do so + they can sue me for that :D
hmmm, and did you take my picture :P?
Nope :}
Q8CG, ashwa :)
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