There was a tiny project that the new manager has assigned me to do, hardly challenging but its very demanding & its done any how, so for like 3 weeks I have been putting aside my main work (on her request) to finish this project which was supposed to be something big! The final step was to show it to the senior manager & she didn't approve it, on the basis that its not necessary! So if its so un-necessary then why do it in the first place? Why waste good work hours in a thing that is not so important?
Well it was a waste of 3 weeks of hard work & one totally bad personal assignment where the other person I went to get some information from turned me down after I actually went to her personally while she should fax in the requested information @!@
Priority is the magical word of the day :}. Currently I have 3 projects to work on, the one that is done appeared to be un-necessary so lets hope the 2 left don't face the same destiny & one of them am sure if I was told it not important I sure will damn cry like its hell :} since I did put too much effort in it.
Can you guess what are these?
How are they made?
Nope :} try again
street lights or perhaps a tree or a house decorated with some lights photographed at night with shaky hands..
street lights + shakey hands = a fake Dhow
smart kitty ;p, thanx for dropping by :D
Yay Me! :D
yw :D
I still say they are shoes
Well p72
Since you are in netherlands then it makes more sence, they wear thoes wooden ones in the past haa?!
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