Am so tired & barely wrote this post that if not now then I might forget or get busy with eid & not post it, any how I came home late after along day of fasting then last minute shopping & getting clothes from taylor routine.. any how the main even happined in body shop
at the counter I spoted this thing that looked like a CD or something ,, so as I fliped it open I saw this ..
ali Originally uploaded by Q80-Chill Girl.
I read that these are cards decorated with an Iraqi kid's drawings, that child lost his hands & family too in 2003 by an American bomb that fell on his village. He was brought to Kuwait to be treated & so he did, then went to the UK to continue his treatment. These paintings were made by his feet :} as time went by with his body lacking the exitance of arms he didn't quit & drew wonderful pictures with his feet. The British Ladies Society of Kuwait (BLS) arranged the production of these cards (many other details are avilable on the cards if u get to buy them which am hopping that you do please). The cards only cost 2 KD! thoes 2 KD actually go to Ali's fund to assure that his & many other Iraqi kids future is better :}
So ladies & gents head to body shop, pay 2 KD for ali & other kids in need. Also the (BLS) have an account where you can send more donations to children if you wish to do so. Some may say we want to pay for the needy here in Kuwait I say go a head go for it & draw a smile on many needy faces & remember also 2 KD is a coffee cup that we enjoy with friends & smile with them so why not invest the same amount to make others smile? here or there just try to help as much as you can.
مختصر ما قيل اعلاه .. لدى محلات بودي شوب بالكويت بطاقات مزينة برسومات الطفل العراقي (علي إسماعيل) الذي فقد يداه و اسرته في سنة 2003 عند سقوط قنبلة امريكية على قريته. تلقى علي العلاج بدولة الكويت و منها الى بريطانيا لكي يستكمل العلاج .. فقدانه ليده لم يفقدة الإرادة و استخدم قدمية كبديل ليدية و استطاع ان يرسم بهما. جمعية "سيدات بريطانيا بالكويت" قامت برعاية طباعة البطاقات التي تحمل رسومات علي و يذهب ريع الاموال التي يتم جمعها لعلي و اطفال عراقيين و سيستخدم الريع لمساعدتهم و المساهمة ببناء مستقبلهم. قيمة الكروت 2 دينار كويتي فقط! بمبلغ بسيط كهذا انت ترسم البسمة على وجه طفل يحتاج للمساعدة . و ان رغبتم بالتبرع بالمزيد يوجد حساب بنكيّ للجمعية تستقبل به التبرعات و المعلومات مرفقة بداخل البطاقات التي تباع بأفرع بودي شوب بالكويت
صحيح ليسوا الوحيدين المحتاجين و لربما يقول البعض لدينا من هم محتاجون بالكويت فهم أولى .. لكن دينارين مبلغ قهوه نتسلى بها في حين انها لهم تساهم بمستقبلهم ..
و ان لم يكن للبعض رغبة التبرع لمن هم خارج الكويت فإبحثوا عن من ترونه يستحق المساعدة بالكويت :) المهم المساعدة و رسم الإبتسامة على من مددتم لهم يد العون فالابتسامة على وجه الاخرين لا تقدر بثمن
I do not believe in donations because I do no trust people will get the money to who deserves it. I see all charities as a mean to collect money for their own rights.
However, if someone wants to feel good about themselves and donate, then go ahead listen to Q8CG :)
chill girl
عيدك مبارك و كل عام و انتى بخير
its not about FEELING GOOD about ur self more than reaching & helping others because deep inside u dont like to see others suffer+ if u were in need u might want other people to help you & what goes around comes around.. The integrity issue is big & am with you but the intension in my heart is to help those children if my mony doesnt get to them then its a big burden on the society that is responsible for the funds back! I believe that if ur heart is pure & u mean good somehow ur money will get there. IF you still doubt that then i totally support u going & scouting out whos in need & helping them when ever u can coz i believe in charity..
still its a persnal issue & if u dont believe in charity then its ur own believe am not pushing my thoughts on any one am just displaying a way to reach out,, if u want then go for it if u dont then simply dont donate!
Bo maryoum :}
و انت بصحة و سلامة :]
It is about feeling good, not for the common person, but especially for people who have more money than they need and do not know what to do with it. People do not help each other without a purpose, that is the motto of the 21st century, even the one before it.
Your intentions are pure that is something I do not doubt, but my main argument here is that you can never know the true feelings of the people organising these events. I think those same people could have gathered money from other sources instead of trying to "beg" for money. This is not directed at the drive below only, but to the majority of charities around the world, in any form or shape.
Charities are a modern international way of begging, and by accepting this form, humans are acknowledging that they need to redeem their daily "jeder" [i.e. pot for the CNs and others] of sins by giving to less fortunate souls. It is as I said at the start of my comment about feeling good and rightous.
Another point is as follows, why do some charities have to "bribe" people into donating by selling them a 100 fils made card or 250 fils toy for 2,5, or even 10 kd? Doesn't that say something about the psychology of the people who give the money? Doesn't it say that they have to manipulate others to donate? They know that people will not give without a reason, they know that people cling more and more to their money than any other time.
Adree adree, you have a big stick and you want to split my head in half :) but I wanted to express my thoughts and I did.
Purg 72 :} the ever long post hater LOL ;p
well @.o
1- I will not split ur head in half (although that is tempting :> ) because simply its ur right to say what ever you like & a healthy calm conversation is always welcome in my blog & mind :)
2- I do not deny that some might do it to feel good about them selves, i cleared out that this is not the way i see it! I simply feel its a way to reaching out & helping others
3- Some people do help for no purpose :} So not ALL people help to gain something.
4- some charities might be a lie but it is important that you try & trust UNLESS the opposite appears now if u r so carefull that u dont want to be fooled u can always investigte on that charity else if u dont give a damn & dont trust them any way then simply dont donate
The key word here is donation :} i.e something done by ur own believes, if u dont believe in it then simply dont do it :}
That kid's story touched me deep thats why I wrote about it hoping it might do him some good, that is the only reason behind this post that is benifit free TOTALLY so why not assume this charity is also benifit free for the organizers? just give them the benefit of a doubt :>
Q8CG, ok @|@
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