I can not resist this chocolate fondant cake @ waterlemon, I think its THE BEST in Kuwait, I tried it every where but this is no.1 for me by far!!
The great meltdown
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oh god! This looks amazing! I hope I don't get hooked on this too :/
Chikaaaa :D
for me its a KILLER, do not approach if you are vulnerable to chocolates! :>
I have to take a dose of it every once and a while :D
What about their falafel and bo6a6 ?
Bil3afya :]
انا شفتها بس السكر ارتفع عندي
بس تدرون اشلون
و بنقدر
نزيد الانسولين و نديها
I have a big BIG passion for chocolate fondant, and wherever I go I try to search for the best place.
Bilkwait ma legait mukan i could call the best yet.. Bss you made me so eager to want to try now !
LOL, one comming up, bas not from them ;p wait a little
الله يعافيك و يخليك و بيت مكه يوديك :> قول امين
اديها و ادعييليييي
و بالعافية مقدما
The Tooth Fairy
Give it a try, and do not listen to those who tell you try chocolate bar! its not yummy
omg! my im drooling all over the keyboard! hanny wa 3afya! .. where is this watermelon btw?? i THINK i just saw the cake winking at meeeee ;D~~~
allah ye3afek/ch
waterlemon is in 3 places so far,
Marina Mall, ground floor, in the center beside Paule
Arrayah, first floor, go up from the escilators beside carebu cafe
The Avenues first floor, near garden rest./ HnM mens,, and right next to bana republic
abiiiii 7agy !!!!!
bel 3afyah
LOL :D i should take commision from waterlemon ;p
يا سلام
الصورة حلوة
والمدونة حلوة ومعبرة بمواضيعها الجميله
Take me there!
شكرا على الاطراء :) اسعدتيني فيه
suuuuuuuuure it would be my pleasure i loooove that place :D
I can't wait :-P
for a fellow chocoholic this should be something great
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