Thursday, 23 October 2008


شنو تفسير حالة انغلاق التفكير و الاستيعاب اللي تتزامن مع قلة النوم و الأرق. مع العلم اني مو قاعدة افكر بحل الأزمة المالية ولا يحزنون!؟

more animals

Inspired by the picture: When too many things confuse the hand held "by us" device then it goes to sleep *imagining the remote control in my brother's baby daughter!", and since the weather is cold then its nice to sleep when its cold. Sometimes the over-usage/ work is more confusing than we think. I declare by now that I am writing things I really don't comprehend properly..

A thought passed by today:

A: do you know why you feel indifferent?
B: no?
A: its the blessing of having your heart in your hand :) after that your brain comes first no matter how emotional you might get and your brain will take over, that will assist you to be emotionally-hurt proof
B: et9adgeen!

That might be a spark for a new short story :D


enter-q8 said...

انا بتبع سياسة احمد باقر

اذا بوستك بالعربي برد و اذا كان بالانجليزي و بدايته بالعربي
مثل اشلونكم و تكملين بالانجليزي
و اقول

تمام و بس

Bloggerista said...

is being indifferent really a blessing or a curse?

check out no. 17 and tell me wht u think?

Manal said...

you might need to take some rest


it is the crisis that is happening around us that gives you that feeling

you will be fine dear

take good care of yourself

Q80-ChillGirl said...


لو اهي نقطه منك تدري مرورك يسعدني اخوي خالد

و مشكلتي مخي يشتغل باللغتين و فعلا لما اكتب لا شعوريا تطلع الحروف و الكلمات ،، و همن لاني مابي اخسر اللغة خاصة و اني اعاني اني تعودت على اللغة الانجليزية بطريقة اخواننا الاسويين من سكان شبه القارة الهنديه

عفسونا لا اسماء لا تعريف سيدا افعال و مش حالك



read that 31 and 32 was a more favorite one :D

as for the indifference, its a bit of both! when it comes to your heart being hurt by others BECAUSE you care :) then being indifferent about them or what they do is THE best thing you can do mean while the opposite is horrible :> i too hate indifference but in some cases i think it can do u good ,,, bas embayen glbch 7ay


lol, i needed to sleep and when i woke up i was scared by a hard knock on my door that was un-necessary :> but what can u say to your mother other than
ان شاء الله يمه

يونسون لي كبروا بس لا يكثرون من التخرع صباح الله خير و على غير سنع