Sunday 7 February 2010

Change is the only constant

من فترة كنا نسولف، و بوسط المعمعة طلع صوت من بين الصغار الموجودين و قال: الشي الوحيد الثابت، هو التغيير
في ذاك اليوم اللي قال هالجملة كان بطل يومي! و بطّل عيوني لحقيقة مهمة و عن اهمية و ثبوت التغيير، فا لما الناس اتسائل ليش صار هالشي او ذاك، يغفلون عن حتمية التغيير! المقولة قالها من قبل فيلسوف ينقال له هيراكليتس "مادري شنو بالعربي بس تخيلته هيراقليطس! غلج!" عموما هالفيلسوف الروماني اللي كان موجود قبل سقراط، كان له رآي في التغيير و انه مركز الكون. حاشني فضول و هوس بالفلاسفة الرومانيين، مادري ليش
فلسفة = حب الحكمة (المعرفة) .. من العلوم القديمة و اللي مر به حقبات كثيرة، و بقى العلم الذي يناقش العقل الانساني بتفكيره و تفسيره للامور، من العلوم الصامدة و النامية

From Wiki :
The word "Philosophy" comes from the Greek φιλοσοφία [philosophia], which literally means "love of wisdom" 

Custom colors
ISO : 80
Shutter Speed : 1/6
Aperture Value : 3.5

Custom colors
ISO : 80
Shutter Speed : 1/5
Aperture Value : 8

Experimenting with my G11. Click to enlarge


ba6alah said...

kalam Jameel bas ma fehamt 3elaqat el kalam bel pictures !? shino ser el 3elaqa ? :|

Flamingoliya said...


Q80-ChillGirl said...

lol, ur the 1st to ever ask... Wrote change in 2 different color and sizes to change the same word from a line to an other, its the same word YET the color is different & the size too, it gets repeated! as in life :> sometimes things get repeated in a different order to create change :] somewhat a familiar change, yet its still change and its the only constant.

Moreover, chose two different camera settings to CHANGE the picture of a same object, again the same thing taken in different measures to create change :} also liked the florescent effect :p it was fun to play with

Change is not restricted to new and conventional, we can see change among us, among things we know, in a repeated cycle, and not many of us notice

All of those thoughts, along with the guy who said the phrase, was caused by someone in my life that stayed the same, but somehow changed

and those are the thoughts behind my pictures :> and I intended to keep for my self but since u asked, why not :D

:p thought of it, but its "Hercules" not Heraclitus

Amal Baqshy said...

I liked what u said about is important. It is weird bcuz i was talking about the same thing 2day. We need change bcuz we r enclosed inside this shell of shallowness and materialism...inside our pre-judgement on things, and on ppl ...all these things are making us so negative in a way that we have created a negative energy all over ourselves...and we cannot find a way to get out of it.
I wish that ur post will b a starting point into something new and different :)
nice shots ;)

Q80-ChillGirl said...

Hope Baqshy
I agree, how material and shallow we've become is really eating us up! And about the energy concept, lately I have been thinking of it a lot, we are as creatures break down to molecules and hence energy, and feelings/ actions we do effect us :> in a away or an other

and thank you :> glad u liked'em