Think out of the box
Once in a world out there, very far from ours yet merely similar. He was a Partunot a creature that looked very much like a human being except for his noticeably short hands, Relock was a very smart Partunot, he is active and almost knows every thing, eager to science and knowledge. Even among the Partunots he was a simple person, not too known nor unknown, similarly not too rich nor too poor. He believed in him self and his mind, books were his closest friends as he closed up on the other Patrunots and thought that little of them understood him, mostly elder Patrunots were more attracting to him.
Once Relock was walking around the magical garden of Partunotia, where greenness grasped the essence of life, everything around was happy and living simple, accompanied by a book he decided to rest. After an hour or two an olt Patrunot passes by…
Old Patrunot: You! *with a grumpy face*
What are you doing?
Relock: Reading!
Old Patrunot: I know and I know you Relock son of Hardem! I’m asking you what are you doing with this book?
Relock: I’m reading it? *in a sarcastic way*
Old Patrunot: You will never think out of the box!
Relock: Mister, I do not know who are you? Nor understand why are you so angry and aggressive?!
Old Patrunot: I am Persum, the one you hold a book for!
Relock: YOU! I read all your books and loved yo…
As Relock stood up Persum told him to stop talking!
Persum: Young Relock, you are living in your world, and know very well and much of the world outside your house, I am aware of that, but you still did not know this world well and the books will not lead you to experience, getting out of your box will!
Relock was silent and did not know how to reply to old Persum. Eventually he left Relock puzzled. Relock kept looking at the old Partunot called Persum whith a lot of questions….
Why me?
Why does he think that he knows me?
Does he think I cannot understand our world with knowledge?
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